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//! Generic Artifact abstraction for Wasmer Engines.
use crate::Features;
use enumset::EnumSet;
use std::any::Any;
use std::sync::Arc;
use wasmer_types::entity::PrimaryMap;
use wasmer_types::SerializeError;
use wasmer_types::{
target::CpuFeature, DataInitializerLike, MemoryIndex, MemoryStyle, ModuleInfo, TableIndex,
/// An `Artifact` is the product that the `Engine`
/// implementation produce and use.
/// The `Artifact` contains the compiled data for a given
/// module as well as extra information needed to run the
/// module at runtime, such as [`ModuleInfo`] and [`Features`].
pub trait ArtifactCreate<'a>: Send + Sync + Upcastable {
/// Type of `OwnedDataInitializer` returned by the `data_initializers` method
type OwnedDataInitializer: DataInitializerLike<'a> + 'a;
/// Type of iterator returned by the `data_initializers` method
type OwnedDataInitializerIterator: Iterator<Item = Self::OwnedDataInitializer>;
/// Create a `ModuleInfo` for instantiation
fn create_module_info(&'a self) -> Arc<ModuleInfo>;
/// Sets the `ModuleInfo` name
fn set_module_info_name(&'a mut self, name: String) -> bool;
/// Returns the `ModuleInfo` for instantiation
fn module_info(&'a self) -> &ModuleInfo;
/// Returns the features for this Artifact
fn features(&'a self) -> &Features;
/// Returns the CPU features for this Artifact
fn cpu_features(&'a self) -> EnumSet<CpuFeature>;
/// Returns the memory styles associated with this `Artifact`.
fn memory_styles(&'a self) -> &PrimaryMap<MemoryIndex, MemoryStyle>;
/// Returns the table plans associated with this `Artifact`.
fn table_styles(&'a self) -> &PrimaryMap<TableIndex, TableStyle>;
/// Returns data initializers to pass to `VMInstance::initialize`
fn data_initializers(&'a self) -> Self::OwnedDataInitializerIterator;
/// Serializes an artifact into bytes
fn serialize(&'a self) -> Result<Vec<u8>, SerializeError>;
// Implementation of `Upcastable` taken from https://users.rust-lang.org/t/why-does-downcasting-not-work-for-subtraits/33286/7 .
/// Trait needed to get downcasting of `Engine`s to work.
pub trait Upcastable {
/// upcast ref
fn upcast_any_ref(&'_ self) -> &'_ dyn Any;
/// upcast mut ref
fn upcast_any_mut(&'_ mut self) -> &'_ mut dyn Any;
/// upcast boxed dyn
fn upcast_any_box(self: Box<Self>) -> Box<dyn Any>;
impl<T: Any + Send + Sync + 'static> Upcastable for T {
fn upcast_any_ref(&'_ self) -> &'_ dyn Any {
fn upcast_any_mut(&'_ mut self) -> &'_ mut dyn Any {
fn upcast_any_box(self: Box<Self>) -> Box<dyn Any> {
impl<'a, O, I>
dyn ArtifactCreate<'a, OwnedDataInitializer = O, OwnedDataInitializerIterator = I> + 'static
/// Try to downcast the artifact into a given type.
pub fn downcast_ref<T: 'static>(&'a self) -> Option<&'a T> {
/// Try to downcast the artifact into a given type mutably.
pub fn downcast_mut<T: 'static>(&'a mut self) -> Option<&'a mut T> {