pub use crate::{
arm64_decl::{ARM64Register, ArgumentRegisterAllocator, GPR, NEON},
location::{Multiplier, Reg},
machine::{Label, Offset},
use crate::{codegen_error, common_decl::Size, location::Location as AbstractLocation};
use dynasm::dynasm;
pub use dynasmrt::aarch64::{encode_logical_immediate_32bit, encode_logical_immediate_64bit};
use dynasmrt::{
aarch64::Aarch64Relocation, AssemblyOffset, DynamicLabel, DynasmApi, DynasmLabelApi,
use wasmer_compiler::types::{
section::{CustomSection, CustomSectionProtection, SectionBody},
use wasmer_types::{
target::CallingConvention, CompileError, FunctionIndex, FunctionType, Type, VMOffsets,
type Assembler = VecAssembler<Aarch64Relocation>;
macro_rules! dynasm {
($a:expr ; $($tt:tt)*) => {
; .arch aarch64
; $($tt)*
pub type Location = AbstractLocation<GPR, NEON>;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Condition {
Eq = 0,
Ne = 1,
Cs = 2,
Cc = 3,
Mi = 4,
Pl = 5,
Vs = 6,
Vc = 7,
Hi = 8,
Ls = 9,
Ge = 10,
Lt = 11,
Gt = 12,
Le = 13,
Al = 14,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
#[allow(dead_code, clippy::upper_case_acronyms)]
pub enum NeonOrMemory {
Memory(GPR, i32),
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
#[allow(dead_code, clippy::upper_case_acronyms)]
pub enum GPROrMemory {
Memory(GPR, i32),
pub trait EmitterARM64 {
fn get_label(&mut self) -> Label;
fn get_offset(&self) -> Offset;
fn get_jmp_instr_size(&self) -> u8;
fn finalize_function(&mut self);
fn emit_str(&mut self, sz: Size, reg: Location, addr: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_ldr(&mut self, sz: Size, reg: Location, addr: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_stur(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
reg: Location,
addr: GPR,
offset: i32,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_ldur(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
reg: Location,
addr: GPR,
offset: i32,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_strdb(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
reg: Location,
addr: GPR,
offset: u32,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_stria(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
reg: Location,
addr: GPR,
offset: u32,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_ldria(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
reg: Location,
addr: GPR,
offset: u32,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_stpdb(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
reg1: Location,
reg2: Location,
addr: GPR,
offset: u32,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_ldpia(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
reg1: Location,
reg2: Location,
addr: GPR,
offset: u32,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_ldrb(&mut self, sz: Size, reg: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_ldrh(&mut self, sz: Size, reg: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_ldrsb(&mut self, sz: Size, reg: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_ldrsh(&mut self, sz: Size, reg: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_ldrsw(&mut self, sz: Size, reg: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_strb(&mut self, sz: Size, reg: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_strh(&mut self, sz: Size, reg: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_ldaxr(&mut self, sz: Size, reg: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_ldaxrb(&mut self, sz: Size, reg: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_ldaxrh(&mut self, sz: Size, reg: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_stlxr(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
status: Location,
reg: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_stlxrb(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
status: Location,
reg: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_stlxrh(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
status: Location,
reg: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_mov(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_movn(&mut self, sz: Size, reg: Location, val: u32) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_movz(&mut self, reg: Location, val: u32) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_movk(&mut self, reg: Location, val: u32, shift: u32) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_mov_imm(&mut self, dst: Location, val: u64) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_add(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_sub(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_mul(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_adds(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_subs(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_add_lsl(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
lsl: u32,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_cmp(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_tst(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_lsl(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_lsr(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_asr(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_ror(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_or(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_and(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_eor(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_bfc(
&mut self,
se: Size,
lsb: u32,
width: u32,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_bfi(
&mut self,
se: Size,
src: Location,
lsb: u32,
width: u32,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_udiv(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_sdiv(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_msub(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
a: Location,
b: Location,
c: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_sxtb(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_sxth(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_sxtw(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_uxtb(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_uxth(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_cset(&mut self, sz: Size, dst: Location, cond: Condition) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_csetm(&mut self, sz: Size, dst: Location, cond: Condition) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_cinc(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src: Location,
dst: Location,
cond: Condition,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_clz(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_rbit(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_label(&mut self, label: Label) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_load_label(&mut self, reg: GPR, label: Label) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_b_label(&mut self, label: Label) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_cbz_label(&mut self, sz: Size, reg: Location, label: Label)
-> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_cbnz_label(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
reg: Location,
label: Label,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_cbz_label_far(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
reg: Location,
label: Label,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_tbz_label(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
reg: Location,
n: u32,
label: Label,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_tbnz_label(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
reg: Location,
n: u32,
label: Label,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_bcond_label(&mut self, condition: Condition, label: Label) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_bcond_label_far(
&mut self,
condition: Condition,
label: Label,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_b_register(&mut self, reg: GPR) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_call_label(&mut self, label: Label) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_call_register(&mut self, reg: GPR) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_ret(&mut self) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_udf(&mut self, payload: u16) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_dmb(&mut self) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_brk(&mut self) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_fcmp(&mut self, sz: Size, src1: Location, src2: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_fneg(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_fsqrt(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_fadd(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_fsub(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_fmul(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_fdiv(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_fmin(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_fmax(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_frintz(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_frintn(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_frintm(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_frintp(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_scvtf(
&mut self,
sz_in: Size,
src: Location,
sz_out: Size,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_ucvtf(
&mut self,
sz_in: Size,
src: Location,
sz_out: Size,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_fcvt(&mut self, sz_in: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_fcvtzs(
&mut self,
sz_in: Size,
src: Location,
sz_out: Size,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_fcvtzu(
&mut self,
sz_in: Size,
src: Location,
sz_out: Size,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_fmov(
&mut self,
src_size: Size,
src: Location,
dst_size: Size,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_cnt(&mut self, src: NEON, dst: NEON) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_addv(&mut self, src: NEON, dst: NEON) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_read_fpcr(&mut self, reg: GPR) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_write_fpcr(&mut self, reg: GPR) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_read_fpsr(&mut self, reg: GPR) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn emit_write_fpsr(&mut self, reg: GPR) -> Result<(), CompileError>;
fn arch_supports_canonicalize_nan(&self) -> bool {
fn arch_requires_indirect_call_trampoline(&self) -> bool {
fn arch_emit_indirect_call_with_trampoline(
&mut self,
_loc: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
codegen_error!("singlepass arch_emit_indirect_call_with_trampoline unimplemented")
impl EmitterARM64 for Assembler {
fn get_label(&mut self) -> DynamicLabel {
fn get_offset(&self) -> AssemblyOffset {
fn get_jmp_instr_size(&self) -> u8 {
4 }
fn finalize_function(&mut self) {
; const_neg_one_32:
; .word -1
; const_zero_32:
; .word 0
; const_pos_one_32:
; .word 1
fn emit_str(&mut self, sz: Size, reg: Location, addr: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, reg, addr) {
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(reg), Location::Memory(addr, disp)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
let disp = disp as u32;
assert!((disp & 0x7) == 0 && (disp < 0x8000));
dynasm!(self ; str X(reg), [X(addr), disp]);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(reg), Location::Memory(addr, disp)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
let disp = disp as u32;
assert!((disp & 0x3) == 0 && (disp < 0x4000));
dynasm!(self ; str W(reg), [X(addr), disp]);
(Size::S16, Location::GPR(reg), Location::Memory(addr, disp)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
let disp = disp as u32;
assert!((disp & 0x1) == 0 && (disp < 0x2000));
dynasm!(self ; strh W(reg), [X(addr), disp]);
(Size::S8, Location::GPR(reg), Location::Memory(addr, disp)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
let disp = disp as u32;
assert!(disp < 0x1000);
dynasm!(self ; strb W(reg), [X(addr), disp]);
(Size::S64, Location::SIMD(reg), Location::Memory(addr, disp)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
let disp = disp as u32;
assert!((disp & 0x7) == 0 && (disp < 0x8000));
dynasm!(self ; str D(reg), [X(addr), disp]);
(Size::S32, Location::SIMD(reg), Location::Memory(addr, disp)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
let disp = disp as u32;
assert!((disp & 0x3) == 0 && (disp < 0x4000));
dynasm!(self ; str S(reg), [X(addr), disp]);
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(reg), Location::Memory2(addr, r2, mult, offs)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
let r2 = r2.into_index() as u32;
assert!(offs == 0);
let mult = mult as u32;
match mult {
0 => dynasm!(self ; str X(reg), [X(addr)]),
1 => dynasm!(self ; str X(reg), [X(addr), X(r2)]),
_ => dynasm!(self ; str X(reg), [X(addr), X(r2), LSL mult]),
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(reg), Location::Memory2(addr, r2, mult, offs)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
let r2 = r2.into_index() as u32;
assert!(offs == 0);
let mult = mult as u32;
match mult {
0 => dynasm!(self ; str W(reg), [X(addr)]),
1 => dynasm!(self ; str W(reg), [X(addr), X(r2)]),
_ => dynasm!(self ; str W(reg), [X(addr), X(r2), LSL mult]),
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit STR {:?}, {:?}, {:?}", sz, reg, addr),
fn emit_ldr(&mut self, sz: Size, reg: Location, addr: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, reg, addr) {
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(reg), Location::Memory(addr, disp)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
assert!((disp & 0x7) == 0 && (disp < 0x8000));
let disp = disp as u32;
dynasm!(self ; ldr X(reg), [X(addr), disp]);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(reg), Location::Memory(addr, disp)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
assert!((disp & 0x3) == 0 && (disp < 0x4000));
let disp = disp as u32;
dynasm!(self ; ldr W(reg), [X(addr), disp]);
(Size::S16, Location::GPR(reg), Location::Memory(addr, disp)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
assert!((disp & 0x1 == 0) && (disp < 0x2000));
let disp = disp as u32;
dynasm!(self ; ldrh W(reg), [X(addr), disp]);
(Size::S8, Location::GPR(reg), Location::Memory(addr, disp)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
assert!(disp < 0x1000);
let disp = disp as u32;
dynasm!(self ; ldrb W(reg), [X(addr), disp]);
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(reg), Location::Memory2(addr, r2, mult, offs)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
let r2 = r2.into_index() as u32;
assert!(offs == 0);
let mult = mult as u32;
match mult {
0 => dynasm!(self ; ldr X(reg), [X(addr)]),
1 => dynasm!(self ; ldr X(reg), [X(addr), X(r2)]),
_ => dynasm!(self ; ldr X(reg), [X(addr), X(r2), LSL mult]),
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(reg), Location::Memory2(addr, r2, mult, offs)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
let r2 = r2.into_index() as u32;
assert!(offs == 0);
let mult = mult as u32;
match mult {
0 => dynasm!(self ; ldr W(reg), [X(addr)]),
1 => dynasm!(self ; ldr W(reg), [X(addr), X(r2)]),
_ => dynasm!(self ; ldr W(reg), [X(addr), X(r2), LSL mult]),
(Size::S64, Location::SIMD(reg), Location::Memory(addr, disp)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
let disp = disp as u32;
assert!((disp & 0x7) == 0 && (disp < 0x8000));
dynasm!(self ; ldr D(reg), [X(addr), disp]);
(Size::S32, Location::SIMD(reg), Location::Memory(addr, disp)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
let disp = disp as u32;
assert!((disp & 0x3) == 0 && (disp < 0x4000));
dynasm!(self ; ldr S(reg), [X(addr), disp]);
(Size::S64, Location::SIMD(reg), Location::Memory2(addr, r2, mult, offs)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
let r2 = r2.into_index() as u32;
assert!(offs == 0);
let mult = mult as u32;
match mult {
0 => dynasm!(self ; ldr D(reg), [X(addr)]),
1 => dynasm!(self ; ldr D(reg), [X(addr), X(r2)]),
_ => dynasm!(self ; ldr D(reg), [X(addr), X(r2), LSL mult]),
(Size::S32, Location::SIMD(reg), Location::Memory2(addr, r2, mult, offs)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
let r2 = r2.into_index() as u32;
assert!(offs == 0);
let mult = mult as u32;
match mult {
0 => dynasm!(self ; ldr S(reg), [X(addr)]),
1 => dynasm!(self ; ldr S(reg), [X(addr), X(r2)]),
_ => dynasm!(self ; ldr S(reg), [X(addr), X(r2), LSL mult]),
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit LDR {:?}, {:?}, {:?}", sz, reg, addr),
fn emit_stur(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
reg: Location,
addr: GPR,
offset: i32,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, reg) {
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(reg)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; stur X(reg), [X(addr), offset]);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(reg)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; stur W(reg), [X(addr), offset]);
(Size::S64, Location::SIMD(reg)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; stur D(reg), [X(addr), offset]);
(Size::S32, Location::SIMD(reg)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; stur S(reg), [X(addr), offset]);
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass can't emit STUR {:?}, {:?}, {:?}, {:?}",
fn emit_ldur(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
reg: Location,
addr: GPR,
offset: i32,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, reg) {
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(reg)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; ldur X(reg), [X(addr), offset]);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(reg)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; ldur W(reg), [X(addr), offset]);
(Size::S64, Location::SIMD(reg)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; ldur D(reg), [X(addr), offset]);
(Size::S32, Location::SIMD(reg)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; ldur S(reg), [X(addr), offset]);
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass can't emit LDUR {:?}, {:?}, {:?}, {:?}",
fn emit_strdb(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
reg: Location,
addr: GPR,
offset: u32,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
assert!(offset <= 255);
match (sz, reg) {
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(reg)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; str X(reg), [X(addr), -(offset as i32)]!);
(Size::S64, Location::SIMD(reg)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; str D(reg), [X(addr), -(offset as i32)]!);
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit STRDB"),
fn emit_stria(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
reg: Location,
addr: GPR,
offset: u32,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
assert!(offset <= 255);
match (sz, reg) {
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(reg)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; str X(reg), [X(addr)], (offset as i32));
(Size::S64, Location::SIMD(reg)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; str D(reg), [X(addr)], (offset as i32));
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit STRIA"),
fn emit_ldria(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
reg: Location,
addr: GPR,
offset: u32,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
assert!(offset <= 255);
match (sz, reg) {
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(reg)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; ldr X(reg), [X(addr)], offset);
(Size::S64, Location::SIMD(reg)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; ldr D(reg), [X(addr)], offset);
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit LDRIA"),
fn emit_stpdb(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
reg1: Location,
reg2: Location,
addr: GPR,
offset: u32,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
assert!(offset <= 255);
match (sz, reg1, reg2) {
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(reg1), Location::GPR(reg2)) => {
let reg1 = reg1.into_index() as u32;
let reg2 = reg2.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; stp X(reg1), X(reg2), [X(addr), -(offset as i32)]!);
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit STPDB"),
fn emit_ldpia(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
reg1: Location,
reg2: Location,
addr: GPR,
offset: u32,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
assert!(offset <= 255);
match (sz, reg1, reg2) {
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(reg1), Location::GPR(reg2)) => {
let reg1 = reg1.into_index() as u32;
let reg2 = reg2.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; ldp X(reg1), X(reg2), [X(addr)], offset);
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit LDPIA"),
fn emit_ldrb(&mut self, _sz: Size, reg: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (reg, dst) {
(Location::GPR(reg), Location::Memory(addr, offset)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
let offset = offset as u32;
assert!(offset < 0x1000);
dynasm!(self ; ldrb W(reg), [X(addr), offset]);
(Location::GPR(reg), Location::Memory2(addr, r2, mult, offs)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
let r2 = r2.into_index() as u32;
assert!(offs == 0);
let mult = mult as u32;
match mult {
0 => dynasm!(self ; ldrb W(reg), [X(addr)]),
1 => dynasm!(self ; ldrb W(reg), [X(addr), X(r2)]),
_ => dynasm!(self ; ldrb W(reg), [X(addr), X(r2), LSL mult]),
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit LDRB {:?}, {:?}", reg, dst),
fn emit_ldrh(&mut self, _sz: Size, reg: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (reg, dst) {
(Location::GPR(reg), Location::Memory(addr, offset)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
let offset = offset as u32;
assert!((offset & 1 == 0) && (offset < 0x2000));
dynasm!(self ; ldrh W(reg), [X(addr), offset]);
(Location::GPR(reg), Location::Memory2(addr, r2, mult, offs)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
let r2 = r2.into_index() as u32;
assert!(offs == 0);
let mult = mult as u32;
match mult {
0 => dynasm!(self ; ldrh W(reg), [X(addr)]),
1 => dynasm!(self ; ldrh W(reg), [X(addr), X(r2)]),
_ => dynasm!(self ; ldrh W(reg), [X(addr), X(r2), LSL mult]),
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit LDRH {:?}, {:?}", reg, dst),
fn emit_ldrsb(&mut self, sz: Size, reg: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, reg, dst) {
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(reg), Location::Memory(addr, offset)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
let offset = offset as u32;
assert!(offset < 0x1000);
dynasm!(self ; ldrsb X(reg), [X(addr), offset]);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(reg), Location::Memory(addr, offset)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
let offset = offset as u32;
assert!(offset < 0x1000);
dynasm!(self ; ldrsb W(reg), [X(addr), offset]);
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(reg), Location::Memory2(addr, r2, mult, offs)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
let r2 = r2.into_index() as u32;
assert!(offs == 0);
let mult = mult as u32;
match mult {
0 => dynasm!(self ; ldrsb X(reg), [X(addr)]),
1 => dynasm!(self ; ldrsb X(reg), [X(addr), X(r2)]),
_ => dynasm!(self ; ldrsb X(reg), [X(addr), X(r2), LSL mult]),
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(reg), Location::Memory2(addr, r2, mult, offs)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
let r2 = r2.into_index() as u32;
assert!(offs == 0);
let mult = mult as u32;
match mult {
0 => dynasm!(self ; ldrsb W(reg), [X(addr)]),
1 => dynasm!(self ; ldrsb W(reg), [X(addr), X(r2)]),
_ => dynasm!(self ; ldrsb W(reg), [X(addr), X(r2), LSL mult]),
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit LDRSB {:?}, {:?}, {:?}", sz, reg, dst),
fn emit_ldrsh(&mut self, sz: Size, reg: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, reg, dst) {
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(reg), Location::Memory(addr, offset)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
let offset = offset as u32;
assert!((offset & 1 == 0) && (offset < 0x2000));
dynasm!(self ; ldrsh X(reg), [X(addr), offset]);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(reg), Location::Memory(addr, offset)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
let offset = offset as u32;
assert!((offset & 1 == 0) && (offset < 0x2000));
dynasm!(self ; ldrsh W(reg), [X(addr), offset]);
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(reg), Location::Memory2(addr, r2, mult, offs)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
let r2 = r2.into_index() as u32;
assert!(offs == 0);
let mult = mult as u32;
match mult {
0 => dynasm!(self ; ldrsh X(reg), [X(addr)]),
1 => dynasm!(self ; ldrsh X(reg), [X(addr), X(r2)]),
_ => dynasm!(self ; ldrsh X(reg), [X(addr), X(r2), LSL mult]),
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(reg), Location::Memory2(addr, r2, mult, offs)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
let r2 = r2.into_index() as u32;
assert!(offs == 0);
let mult = mult as u32;
match mult {
0 => dynasm!(self ; ldrsh W(reg), [X(addr)]),
1 => dynasm!(self ; ldrsh W(reg), [X(addr), X(r2)]),
_ => dynasm!(self ; ldrsh W(reg), [X(addr), X(r2), LSL mult]),
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit LDRSH {:?}, {:?}, {:?}", sz, reg, dst),
fn emit_ldrsw(&mut self, sz: Size, reg: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, reg, dst) {
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(reg), Location::Memory(addr, offset)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
let offset = offset as u32;
assert!((offset & 3 == 0) && (offset < 0x4000));
dynasm!(self ; ldrsw X(reg), [X(addr), offset]);
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(reg), Location::Memory2(addr, r2, mult, offs)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
let r2 = r2.into_index() as u32;
assert!(offs == 0);
let mult = mult as u32;
match mult {
0 => dynasm!(self ; ldrsw X(reg), [X(addr)]),
1 => dynasm!(self ; ldrsw X(reg), [X(addr), X(r2)]),
_ => dynasm!(self ; ldrsw X(reg), [X(addr), X(r2), LSL mult]),
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit LDRSW {:?}, {:?}, {:?}", sz, reg, dst),
fn emit_strb(&mut self, _sz: Size, reg: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (reg, dst) {
(Location::GPR(reg), Location::Memory(addr, offset)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
let offset = offset as u32;
assert!(offset < 0x1000);
dynasm!(self ; strb W(reg), [X(addr), offset]);
(Location::GPR(reg), Location::Memory2(addr, r2, mult, offs)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
let r2 = r2.into_index() as u32;
assert!(offs == 0);
let mult = mult as u32;
match mult {
0 => dynasm!(self ; strb W(reg), [X(addr)]),
1 => dynasm!(self ; strb W(reg), [X(addr), X(r2)]),
_ => dynasm!(self ; strb W(reg), [X(addr), X(r2), LSL mult]),
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit STRB {:?}, {:?}", reg, dst),
fn emit_strh(&mut self, _sz: Size, reg: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (reg, dst) {
(Location::GPR(reg), Location::Memory(addr, offset)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
let offset = offset as u32;
assert!((offset & 1 == 0) && (offset < 0x2000));
dynasm!(self ; strh W(reg), [X(addr), offset]);
(Location::GPR(reg), Location::Memory2(addr, r2, mult, offs)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let addr = addr.into_index() as u32;
let r2 = r2.into_index() as u32;
assert!(offs == 0);
let mult = mult as u32;
match mult {
0 => dynasm!(self ; strh W(reg), [X(addr)]),
1 => dynasm!(self ; strh W(reg), [X(addr), X(r2)]),
_ => dynasm!(self ; strh W(reg), [X(addr), X(r2), LSL mult]),
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit STRH {:?}, {:?}", reg, dst),
fn emit_ldaxr(&mut self, sz: Size, reg: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, reg, dst) {
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(reg), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; ldaxr W(reg), [X(dst)]);
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(reg), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; ldaxr X(reg), [X(dst)]);
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit LDAXR {:?}, {:?}", reg, dst),
fn emit_ldaxrb(&mut self, _sz: Size, reg: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (reg, dst) {
(Location::GPR(reg), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; ldaxrb W(reg), [X(dst)]);
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit LDAXRB {:?}, {:?}", reg, dst),
fn emit_ldaxrh(&mut self, _sz: Size, reg: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (reg, dst) {
(Location::GPR(reg), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; ldaxrh W(reg), [X(dst)]);
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit LDAXRH {:?}, {:?}", reg, dst),
fn emit_stlxr(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
status: Location,
reg: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, status, reg, dst) {
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(status), Location::GPR(reg), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
let status = status.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; stlxr W(status), W(reg), [X(dst)]);
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(status), Location::GPR(reg), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
let status = status.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; stlxr W(status), X(reg), [X(dst)]);
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit STLXR {:?}, {:?}", reg, dst),
fn emit_stlxrb(
&mut self,
_sz: Size,
status: Location,
reg: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (status, reg, dst) {
(Location::GPR(status), Location::GPR(reg), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
let status = status.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; stlxrb W(status), W(reg), [X(dst)]);
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit STLXRB {:?}, {:?}", reg, dst),
fn emit_stlxrh(
&mut self,
_sz: Size,
status: Location,
reg: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (status, reg, dst) {
(Location::GPR(status), Location::GPR(reg), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
let status = status.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; stlxrh W(status), W(reg), [X(dst)]);
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit STLXRH {:?}, {:?}", reg, dst),
fn emit_mov(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src, dst) {
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; mov X(dst), X(src));
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; mov W(dst), W(src));
(Size::S64, Location::SIMD(src), Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; mov V(dst).D[0], V(src).D[0]);
(Size::S32, Location::SIMD(src), Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; mov V(dst).S[0], V(src).S[0]);
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src), Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; mov V(dst).D[0], X(src));
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src), Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; mov V(dst).S[0], W(src));
(Size::S64, Location::SIMD(src), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; mov X(dst), V(src).D[0]);
(Size::S32, Location::SIMD(src), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; mov W(dst), V(src).S[0]);
(Size::S32, Location::Imm32(val), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if val < 0x1000 {
dynasm!(self ; mov W(dst), val as u64);
} else if encode_logical_immediate_32bit(val as _).is_some() {
dynasm!(self ; orr W(dst), wzr, val);
} else {
codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit MOV S32 {}, {:?}", val, dst);
(Size::S64, Location::Imm32(val), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if val < 0x1000 {
dynasm!(self ; mov W(dst), val as u64);
} else if encode_logical_immediate_64bit(val as _).is_some() {
dynasm!(self ; orr X(dst), xzr, val as u64);
} else {
codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit MOV S64 {}, {:?}", val, dst);
(Size::S64, Location::Imm64(val), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if val < 0x1000 {
dynasm!(self ; mov W(dst), val as u64);
} else if encode_logical_immediate_64bit(val as _).is_some() {
dynasm!(self ; orr X(dst), xzr, val as u64);
} else {
codegen_error!("singleplasse can't emit MOV S64 {}, {:?}", val, dst);
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit MOV {:?}, {:?}, {:?}", sz, src, dst),
fn emit_movn(&mut self, sz: Size, reg: Location, val: u32) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, reg) {
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(reg)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; movn W(reg), val);
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(reg)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; movn X(reg), val);
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit MOVN"),
fn emit_movz(&mut self, reg: Location, val: u32) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match reg {
Location::GPR(reg) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; movz W(reg), val);
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit MOVZ"),
fn emit_movk(&mut self, reg: Location, val: u32, shift: u32) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match reg {
Location::GPR(reg) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; movk X(reg), val, LSL shift);
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit MOVK"),
fn emit_mov_imm(&mut self, dst: Location, val: u64) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match dst {
Location::GPR(dst) => {
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
let offset = val.trailing_zeros() & 48;
let masked = 0xffff & (val >> offset);
if (masked << offset) == val {
dynasm!(self ; movz X(dst), masked as u32, LSL offset);
} else if val >> 16 == 0xffff_ffff_ffff {
let val: u16 = !((val & 0xffff) as u16);
dynasm!(self ; movn X(dst), val as u32);
} else if val >> 16 == 0xffff {
let val: u16 = !((val & 0xffff) as u16);
dynasm!(self ; movn W(dst), val as u32);
} else {
dynasm!(self ; movz W(dst), (val&0xffff) as u32);
let val = val >> 16;
if val != 0 {
dynasm!(self ; movk X(dst), (val&0xffff) as u32, LSL 16);
let val = val >> 16;
if val != 0 {
dynasm!(self ; movk X(dst), (val&0xffff) as u32, LSL 32);
let val = val >> 16;
if val != 0 {
dynasm!(self ; movk X(dst), (val&0xffff) as u32, LSL 48);
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit MOVW {:?}", dst),
fn emit_add(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src1, src2, dst) {
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; add X(dst), X(src1), X(src2), UXTX);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; add W(dst), W(src1), W(src2), UXTX);
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm8(imm), Location::GPR(dst))
| (Size::S64, Location::Imm8(imm), Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; add X(dst), X(src1), imm as u32);
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm32(imm), Location::GPR(dst))
| (Size::S64, Location::Imm32(imm), Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if imm >= 0x1000 {
dynasm!(self ; add X(dst), X(src1), imm);
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm64(imm), Location::GPR(dst))
| (Size::S64, Location::Imm64(imm), Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if imm >= 0x1000 {
let imm = imm as u32;
dynasm!(self ; add X(dst), X(src1), imm);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm8(imm), Location::GPR(dst))
| (Size::S32, Location::Imm8(imm), Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; add W(dst), W(src1), imm as u32);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm32(imm), Location::GPR(dst))
| (Size::S32, Location::Imm32(imm), Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if imm >= 0x1000 {
dynasm!(self ; add W(dst), W(src1), imm);
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass can't emit ADD {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?}",
fn emit_sub(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src1, src2, dst) {
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; sub X(dst), X(src1), X(src2), UXTX);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; sub W(dst), W(src1), W(src2), UXTX);
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm8(imm), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; sub X(dst), X(src1), imm as u32);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm8(imm), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; sub W(dst), W(src1), imm as u32);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm32(imm), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if imm >= 0x1000 {
dynasm!(self ; sub W(dst), W(src1), imm);
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm32(imm), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if imm >= 0x1000 {
dynasm!(self ; sub X(dst), X(src1), imm);
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm64(imm), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if imm >= 0x1000 {
dynasm!(self ; sub X(dst), X(src1), imm as u32);
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass can't emit SUB {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?}",
fn emit_mul(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src1, src2, dst) {
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; mul X(dst), X(src1), X(src2));
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; mul W(dst), W(src1), W(src2));
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass can't emit MUL {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?}",
fn emit_adds(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src1, src2, dst) {
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; adds X(dst), X(src1), X(src2));
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; adds W(dst), W(src1), W(src2));
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm8(imm), Location::GPR(dst))
| (Size::S64, Location::Imm8(imm), Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; adds X(dst), X(src1), imm as u32);
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm32(imm), Location::GPR(dst))
| (Size::S64, Location::Imm32(imm), Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if imm >= 0x1000 {
codegen_error!("singlepass ADD.S with imm too large {}", imm);
dynasm!(self ; adds X(dst), X(src1), imm);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm8(imm), Location::GPR(dst))
| (Size::S32, Location::Imm8(imm), Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; adds W(dst), W(src1), imm as u32);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm32(imm), Location::GPR(dst))
| (Size::S32, Location::Imm32(imm), Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if imm >= 0x1000 {
codegen_error!("singlepass ADD.S with imm too large {}", imm);
dynasm!(self ; adds W(dst), W(src1), imm);
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass can't emit ADD.S {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?}",
fn emit_subs(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src1, src2, dst) {
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; subs X(dst), X(src1), X(src2));
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; subs W(dst), W(src1), W(src2));
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm8(imm), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; subs X(dst), X(src1), imm as u32);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm8(imm), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; subs W(dst), W(src1), imm as u32);
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass can't emit SUB.S {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?}",
fn emit_add_lsl(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
lsl: u32,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src1, src2, dst) {
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; add X(dst), X(src1), X(src2), LSL lsl);
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass can't emit LSL {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?} LSL {:?}",
fn emit_cmp(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src, dst) {
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; cmp X(dst), X(src));
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; cmp W(dst), W(src));
(Size::S64, Location::Imm8(imm), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; cmp X(dst), imm as u32);
(Size::S64, Location::Imm32(imm), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if imm >= 0x1000 {
codegen_error!("singlepass CMP with imm too large {}", imm);
dynasm!(self ; cmp X(dst), imm as u32);
(Size::S64, Location::Imm64(imm), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if imm >= 0x1000 {
codegen_error!("singlepass CMP with imm too large {}", imm);
dynasm!(self ; cmp X(dst), imm as u32);
(Size::S32, Location::Imm8(imm), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; cmp W(dst), imm as u32);
(Size::S32, Location::Imm32(imm), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if imm >= 0x1000 {
codegen_error!("singlepass CMP with imm too large {}", imm);
dynasm!(self ; cmp W(dst), imm as u32);
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit CMP {:?} {:?} {:?}", sz, src, dst),
fn emit_tst(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src, dst) {
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; tst X(dst), X(src));
(Size::S64, Location::Imm32(imm), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if encode_logical_immediate_64bit(imm as u64).is_none() {
codegen_error!("singlepass TST with incompatible imm {}", imm);
dynasm!(self ; tst X(dst), imm as u64);
(Size::S64, Location::Imm64(imm), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if encode_logical_immediate_64bit(imm as u64).is_none() {
codegen_error!("singlepass TST with incompatible imm {}", imm);
dynasm!(self ; tst X(dst), imm as u64);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; tst W(dst), W(src));
(Size::S32, Location::Imm32(imm), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if encode_logical_immediate_64bit(imm as u64).is_none() {
codegen_error!("singlepass TST with incompatible imm {}", imm);
dynasm!(self ; tst W(dst), imm);
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit TST"),
fn emit_lsl(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src1, src2, dst) {
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; lsl X(dst), X(src1), X(src2));
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm32(imm), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
if imm > 63 {
codegen_error!("singlepass LSL with incompatible imm {}", imm);
let imm = imm as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; lsl X(dst), X(src1), imm);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; lsl W(dst), W(src1), W(src2));
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm8(imm), Location::GPR(dst))
| (Size::S64, Location::Imm8(imm), Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if imm > 63 {
codegen_error!("singlepass LSL with incompatible imm {}", imm);
dynasm!(self ; lsl X(dst), X(src1), imm as u32);
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm64(imm), Location::GPR(dst))
| (Size::S64, Location::Imm64(imm), Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if imm > 63 {
codegen_error!("singlepass LSL with incompatible imm {}", imm);
dynasm!(self ; lsl X(dst), X(src1), imm as u32);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm8(imm), Location::GPR(dst))
| (Size::S32, Location::Imm8(imm), Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if imm > 31 {
codegen_error!("singlepass LSL with incompatible imm {}", imm);
dynasm!(self ; lsl W(dst), W(src1), imm as u32);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm32(imm), Location::GPR(dst))
| (Size::S32, Location::Imm32(imm), Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if imm > 31 {
codegen_error!("singlepass LSL with incompatible imm {}", imm);
dynasm!(self ; lsl W(dst), W(src1), imm as u32);
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass can't emit LSL {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?}",
fn emit_asr(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src1, src2, dst) {
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; asr X(dst), X(src1), X(src2));
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm32(imm), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let imm = imm as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if imm == 0 || imm > 63 {
codegen_error!("singlepass ASR with incompatible imm {}", imm);
dynasm!(self ; asr X(dst), X(src1), imm);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; asr W(dst), W(src1), W(src2));
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm8(imm), Location::GPR(dst))
| (Size::S64, Location::Imm8(imm), Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if imm == 0 || imm > 63 {
codegen_error!("singlepass ASR with incompatible imm {}", imm);
dynasm!(self ; asr X(dst), X(src1), imm as u32);
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm64(imm), Location::GPR(dst))
| (Size::S64, Location::Imm64(imm), Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if imm == 0 || imm > 63 {
codegen_error!("singlepass ASR with incompatible imm {}", imm);
dynasm!(self ; asr X(dst), X(src1), imm as u32);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm8(imm), Location::GPR(dst))
| (Size::S32, Location::Imm8(imm), Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if imm == 0 || imm > 31 {
codegen_error!("singlepass ASR with incompatible imm {}", imm);
dynasm!(self ; asr W(dst), W(src1), imm as u32);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm32(imm), Location::GPR(dst))
| (Size::S32, Location::Imm32(imm), Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if imm == 0 || imm > 31 {
codegen_error!("singlepass ASR with incompatible imm {}", imm);
dynasm!(self ; asr W(dst), W(src1), imm as u32);
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass can't emit ASR {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?}",
fn emit_lsr(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src1, src2, dst) {
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; lsr X(dst), X(src1), X(src2));
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm32(imm), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let imm = imm as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if imm == 0 || imm > 63 {
codegen_error!("singlepass LSR with incompatible imm {}", imm);
dynasm!(self ; lsr X(dst), X(src1), imm);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; lsr W(dst), W(src1), W(src2));
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm8(imm), Location::GPR(dst))
| (Size::S64, Location::Imm8(imm), Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if imm == 0 || imm > 63 {
codegen_error!("singlepass LSR with incompatible imm {}", imm);
dynasm!(self ; lsr X(dst), X(src1), imm as u32);
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm64(imm), Location::GPR(dst))
| (Size::S64, Location::Imm64(imm), Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if imm == 0 || imm > 63 {
codegen_error!("singlepass LSR with incompatible imm {}", imm);
dynasm!(self ; lsr X(dst), X(src1), imm as u32);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm8(imm), Location::GPR(dst))
| (Size::S32, Location::Imm8(imm), Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if imm == 0 || imm > 31 {
codegen_error!("singlepass LSR with incompatible imm {}", imm);
dynasm!(self ; lsr W(dst), W(src1), imm as u32);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm32(imm), Location::GPR(dst))
| (Size::S32, Location::Imm32(imm), Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if imm == 0 || imm > 31 {
codegen_error!("singlepass LSR with incompatible imm {}", imm);
dynasm!(self ; lsr W(dst), W(src1), imm as u32);
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass can't emit LSR {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?}",
fn emit_ror(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src1, src2, dst) {
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; ror X(dst), X(src1), X(src2));
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm32(imm), Location::GPR(dst))
| (Size::S64, Location::Imm32(imm), Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let imm = imm as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if imm == 0 || imm > 63 {
codegen_error!("singlepass ROR with incompatible imm {}", imm);
dynasm!(self ; ror X(dst), X(src1), imm);
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm64(imm), Location::GPR(dst))
| (Size::S64, Location::Imm64(imm), Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let imm = imm as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if imm == 0 || imm > 63 {
codegen_error!("singlepass ROR with incompatible imm {}", imm);
dynasm!(self ; ror X(dst), X(src1), imm);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm32(imm), Location::GPR(dst))
| (Size::S32, Location::Imm32(imm), Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if imm == 0 || imm > 31 {
codegen_error!("singlepass ROR with incompatible imm {}", imm);
dynasm!(self ; ror W(dst), W(src1), imm as u32);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; ror W(dst), W(src1), W(src2));
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm8(imm), Location::GPR(dst))
| (Size::S64, Location::Imm8(imm), Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if imm == 0 || imm > 63 {
codegen_error!("singlepass ROR with incompatible imm {}", imm);
dynasm!(self ; ror X(dst), X(src1), imm as u32);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm8(imm), Location::GPR(dst))
| (Size::S32, Location::Imm8(imm), Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if imm == 0 || imm > 31 {
codegen_error!("singlepass ROR with incompatible imm {}", imm);
dynasm!(self ; ror W(dst), W(src1), imm as u32);
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass can't emit ROR {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?}",
fn emit_or(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src1, src2, dst) {
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; orr X(dst), X(src1), X(src2));
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm64(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2 as u64;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if encode_logical_immediate_64bit(src2 as u64).is_none() {
codegen_error!("singlepass OR with incompatible imm {}", src2);
dynasm!(self ; orr X(dst), X(src1), src2);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm32(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2 as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if encode_logical_immediate_32bit(src2).is_none() {
codegen_error!("singlepass OR with incompatible imm {}", src2);
dynasm!(self ; orr W(dst), W(src1), src2);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; orr W(dst), W(src1), W(src2));
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass can't emit OR {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?}",
fn emit_and(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src1, src2, dst) {
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; and X(dst), X(src1), X(src2));
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm64(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2 as u64;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if encode_logical_immediate_64bit(src2 as u64).is_none() {
codegen_error!("singlepass AND with incompatible imm {}", src2);
dynasm!(self ; and X(dst), X(src1), src2);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm32(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2 as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if encode_logical_immediate_32bit(src2).is_none() {
codegen_error!("singlepass AND with incompatible imm {}", src2);
dynasm!(self ; and W(dst), W(src1), src2);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; and W(dst), W(src1), W(src2));
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass can't emit AND {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?}",
fn emit_eor(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src1, src2, dst) {
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; eor X(dst), X(src1), X(src2));
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm64(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2 as u64;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if encode_logical_immediate_64bit(src2 as u64).is_none() {
codegen_error!("singlepass EOR with incompatible imm {}", src2);
dynasm!(self ; eor X(dst), X(src1), src2);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src1), Location::Imm32(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2 as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
if encode_logical_immediate_32bit(src2).is_none() {
codegen_error!("singlepass EOR with incompatible imm {}", src2);
dynasm!(self ; eor W(dst), W(src1), src2);
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; eor W(dst), W(src1), W(src2));
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass can't emit EOR {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?}",
fn emit_bfc(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
lsb: u32,
width: u32,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, dst) {
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(dst)) => {
dynasm!(self ; bfc W(dst as u32), lsb, width);
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(dst)) => {
dynasm!(self ; bfc X(dst as u32), lsb, width);
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit BFC"),
fn emit_bfi(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src: Location,
lsb: u32,
width: u32,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src, dst) {
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
dynasm!(self ; bfi W(dst as u32), W(src as u32), lsb, width);
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
dynasm!(self ; bfi X(dst as u32), X(src as u32), lsb, width);
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit BFI"),
fn emit_udiv(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src1, src2, dst) {
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; udiv W(dst), W(src1), W(src2));
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; udiv X(dst), X(src1), X(src2));
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass can't emit UDIV {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?}",
fn emit_sdiv(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src1, src2, dst) {
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; sdiv W(dst), W(src1), W(src2));
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src1), Location::GPR(src2), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; sdiv X(dst), X(src1), X(src2));
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass can't emit UDIV {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?}",
fn emit_msub(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
a: Location,
b: Location,
c: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, a, b, c, dst) {
) => {
let a = a.into_index() as u32;
let b = b.into_index() as u32;
let c = c.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; msub W(dst), W(a), W(b), W(c));
) => {
let a = a.into_index() as u32;
let b = b.into_index() as u32;
let c = c.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; msub X(dst), X(a), X(b), X(c));
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass can't emit msub {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?}",
fn emit_sxtb(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src, dst) {
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; sxtb W(dst), W(src));
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; sxtb X(dst), W(src));
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit SXTB {:?} {:?} {:?}", sz, src, dst),
fn emit_sxth(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src, dst) {
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; sxth W(dst), W(src));
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; sxth X(dst), W(src));
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit SXTH {:?} {:?} {:?}", sz, src, dst),
fn emit_sxtw(&mut self, _sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (src, dst) {
(Location::GPR(src), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; sxtw X(dst), W(src));
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit SXTW {:?} {:?}", src, dst),
fn emit_uxtb(&mut self, _sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (src, dst) {
(Location::GPR(src), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; uxtb W(dst), W(src));
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit UXTB {:?} {:?}", src, dst),
fn emit_uxth(&mut self, _sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (src, dst) {
(Location::GPR(src), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; uxth W(dst), W(src));
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit UXTH {:?} {:?}", src, dst),
fn emit_cset(&mut self, sz: Size, dst: Location, cond: Condition) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, dst) {
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(reg)) => {
let reg = reg as u32;
match cond {
Condition::Eq => dynasm!(self ; cset W(reg), eq),
Condition::Ne => dynasm!(self ; cset W(reg), ne),
Condition::Cs => dynasm!(self ; cset W(reg), cs),
Condition::Cc => dynasm!(self ; cset W(reg), cc),
Condition::Mi => dynasm!(self ; cset W(reg), mi),
Condition::Pl => dynasm!(self ; cset W(reg), pl),
Condition::Vs => dynasm!(self ; cset W(reg), vs),
Condition::Vc => dynasm!(self ; cset W(reg), vc),
Condition::Hi => dynasm!(self ; cset W(reg), hi),
Condition::Ls => dynasm!(self ; cset W(reg), ls),
Condition::Ge => dynasm!(self ; cset W(reg), ge),
Condition::Lt => dynasm!(self ; cset W(reg), lt),
Condition::Gt => dynasm!(self ; cset W(reg), gt),
Condition::Le => dynasm!(self ; cset W(reg), le),
Condition::Al => dynasm!(self ; cset W(reg), al),
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(reg)) => {
let reg = reg as u32;
match cond {
Condition::Eq => dynasm!(self ; cset X(reg), eq),
Condition::Ne => dynasm!(self ; cset X(reg), ne),
Condition::Cs => dynasm!(self ; cset X(reg), cs),
Condition::Cc => dynasm!(self ; cset X(reg), cc),
Condition::Mi => dynasm!(self ; cset X(reg), mi),
Condition::Pl => dynasm!(self ; cset X(reg), pl),
Condition::Vs => dynasm!(self ; cset X(reg), vs),
Condition::Vc => dynasm!(self ; cset X(reg), vc),
Condition::Hi => dynasm!(self ; cset X(reg), hi),
Condition::Ls => dynasm!(self ; cset X(reg), ls),
Condition::Ge => dynasm!(self ; cset X(reg), ge),
Condition::Lt => dynasm!(self ; cset X(reg), lt),
Condition::Gt => dynasm!(self ; cset X(reg), gt),
Condition::Le => dynasm!(self ; cset X(reg), le),
Condition::Al => dynasm!(self ; cset X(reg), al),
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit CSET {:?} {:?} {:?}", sz, dst, cond),
fn emit_csetm(&mut self, sz: Size, dst: Location, cond: Condition) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, dst) {
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(reg)) => {
let reg = reg as u32;
match cond {
Condition::Eq => dynasm!(self ; csetm W(reg), eq),
Condition::Ne => dynasm!(self ; csetm W(reg), ne),
Condition::Cs => dynasm!(self ; csetm W(reg), cs),
Condition::Cc => dynasm!(self ; csetm W(reg), cc),
Condition::Mi => dynasm!(self ; csetm W(reg), mi),
Condition::Pl => dynasm!(self ; csetm W(reg), pl),
Condition::Vs => dynasm!(self ; csetm W(reg), vs),
Condition::Vc => dynasm!(self ; csetm W(reg), vc),
Condition::Hi => dynasm!(self ; csetm W(reg), hi),
Condition::Ls => dynasm!(self ; csetm W(reg), ls),
Condition::Ge => dynasm!(self ; csetm W(reg), ge),
Condition::Lt => dynasm!(self ; csetm W(reg), lt),
Condition::Gt => dynasm!(self ; csetm W(reg), gt),
Condition::Le => dynasm!(self ; csetm W(reg), le),
Condition::Al => dynasm!(self ; csetm W(reg), al),
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(reg)) => {
let reg = reg as u32;
match cond {
Condition::Eq => dynasm!(self ; csetm X(reg), eq),
Condition::Ne => dynasm!(self ; csetm X(reg), ne),
Condition::Cs => dynasm!(self ; csetm X(reg), cs),
Condition::Cc => dynasm!(self ; csetm X(reg), cc),
Condition::Mi => dynasm!(self ; csetm X(reg), mi),
Condition::Pl => dynasm!(self ; csetm X(reg), pl),
Condition::Vs => dynasm!(self ; csetm X(reg), vs),
Condition::Vc => dynasm!(self ; csetm X(reg), vc),
Condition::Hi => dynasm!(self ; csetm X(reg), hi),
Condition::Ls => dynasm!(self ; csetm X(reg), ls),
Condition::Ge => dynasm!(self ; csetm X(reg), ge),
Condition::Lt => dynasm!(self ; csetm X(reg), lt),
Condition::Gt => dynasm!(self ; csetm X(reg), gt),
Condition::Le => dynasm!(self ; csetm X(reg), le),
Condition::Al => dynasm!(self ; csetm X(reg), al),
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit CSETM {:?} {:?} {:?}", sz, dst, cond),
fn emit_cinc(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src: Location,
dst: Location,
cond: Condition,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src, dst) {
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
match cond {
Condition::Eq => dynasm!(self ; cinc W(dst), W(src), eq),
Condition::Ne => dynasm!(self ; cinc W(dst), W(src), ne),
Condition::Cs => dynasm!(self ; cinc W(dst), W(src), cs),
Condition::Cc => dynasm!(self ; cinc W(dst), W(src), cc),
Condition::Mi => dynasm!(self ; cinc W(dst), W(src), mi),
Condition::Pl => dynasm!(self ; cinc W(dst), W(src), pl),
Condition::Vs => dynasm!(self ; cinc W(dst), W(src), vs),
Condition::Vc => dynasm!(self ; cinc W(dst), W(src), vc),
Condition::Hi => dynasm!(self ; cinc W(dst), W(src), hi),
Condition::Ls => dynasm!(self ; cinc W(dst), W(src), ls),
Condition::Ge => dynasm!(self ; cinc W(dst), W(src), ge),
Condition::Lt => dynasm!(self ; cinc W(dst), W(src), lt),
Condition::Gt => dynasm!(self ; cinc W(dst), W(src), gt),
Condition::Le => dynasm!(self ; cinc W(dst), W(src), le),
Condition::Al => dynasm!(self ; cinc W(dst), W(src), al),
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
match cond {
Condition::Eq => dynasm!(self ; cinc X(src), X(dst), eq),
Condition::Ne => dynasm!(self ; cinc X(src), X(dst), ne),
Condition::Cs => dynasm!(self ; cinc X(src), X(dst), cs),
Condition::Cc => dynasm!(self ; cinc X(src), X(dst), cc),
Condition::Mi => dynasm!(self ; cinc X(src), X(dst), mi),
Condition::Pl => dynasm!(self ; cinc X(src), X(dst), pl),
Condition::Vs => dynasm!(self ; cinc X(src), X(dst), vs),
Condition::Vc => dynasm!(self ; cinc X(src), X(dst), vc),
Condition::Hi => dynasm!(self ; cinc X(src), X(dst), hi),
Condition::Ls => dynasm!(self ; cinc X(src), X(dst), ls),
Condition::Ge => dynasm!(self ; cinc X(src), X(dst), ge),
Condition::Lt => dynasm!(self ; cinc X(src), X(dst), lt),
Condition::Gt => dynasm!(self ; cinc X(src), X(dst), gt),
Condition::Le => dynasm!(self ; cinc X(src), X(dst), le),
Condition::Al => dynasm!(self ; cinc X(src), X(dst), al),
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit CINC"),
fn emit_clz(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src, dst) {
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; clz X(dst), X(src));
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; clz W(dst), W(src));
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit CLS {:?} {:?} {:?}", sz, src, dst),
fn emit_rbit(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src, dst) {
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; rbit X(dst), X(src));
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src), Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; rbit W(dst), W(src));
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit CLS {:?} {:?} {:?}", sz, src, dst),
fn emit_label(&mut self, label: Label) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
dynasm!(self ; => label);
fn emit_load_label(&mut self, reg: GPR, label: Label) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; adr X(reg), =>label);
fn emit_b_label(&mut self, label: Label) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
dynasm!(self ; b =>label);
fn emit_cbz_label(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
reg: Location,
label: Label,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, reg) {
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(reg)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; cbz W(reg), =>label);
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(reg)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; cbz X(reg), =>label);
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit CBZ {:?} {:?} {:?}", sz, reg, label),
fn emit_cbnz_label(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
reg: Location,
label: Label,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, reg) {
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(reg)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; cbnz W(reg), =>label);
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(reg)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; cbnz X(reg), =>label);
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit CBNZ {:?} {:?} {:?}", sz, reg, label),
fn emit_cbz_label_far(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
reg: Location,
label: Label,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
let near_label: Label = self.get_label();
let continue_label: Label = self.get_label();
match (sz, reg) {
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(reg)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; cbz W(reg), => near_label);
dynasm!(self ; b => continue_label);
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(reg)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; cbz X(reg), => near_label);
dynasm!(self ; b => continue_label);
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit CBZ {:?} {:?} {:?}", sz, reg, label),
dynasm!(self ; b => label );
fn emit_tbz_label(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
reg: Location,
n: u32,
label: Label,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, reg) {
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(reg)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; tbz W(reg), n, =>label);
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(reg)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; tbz X(reg), n, =>label);
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass can't emit TBZ {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?}",
fn emit_tbnz_label(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
reg: Location,
n: u32,
label: Label,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, reg) {
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(reg)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; tbnz W(reg), n, =>label);
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(reg)) => {
let reg = reg.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; tbnz X(reg), n, =>label);
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass can't emit TBNZ {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?}",
fn emit_bcond_label(&mut self, condition: Condition, label: Label) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match condition {
Condition::Eq => dynasm!(self ; b.eq => label),
Condition::Ne => dynasm!(self ; => label),
Condition::Cs => dynasm!(self ; b.cs => label),
Condition::Cc => dynasm!(self ; => label),
Condition::Mi => dynasm!(self ; b.mi => label),
Condition::Pl => dynasm!(self ; => label),
Condition::Vs => dynasm!(self ; b.vs => label),
Condition::Vc => dynasm!(self ; => label),
Condition::Hi => dynasm!(self ; b.hi => label),
Condition::Ls => dynasm!(self ; => label),
Condition::Ge => dynasm!(self ; => label),
Condition::Lt => dynasm!(self ; => label),
Condition::Gt => dynasm!(self ; => label),
Condition::Le => dynasm!(self ; b.le => label),
Condition::Al => dynasm!(self ; b => label),
fn emit_bcond_label_far(
&mut self,
condition: Condition,
label: Label,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
let cont: Label = self.get_label();
match condition {
Condition::Eq => dynasm!(self ; => cont),
Condition::Ne => dynasm!(self ; b.eq => cont),
Condition::Cs => dynasm!(self ; => cont),
Condition::Cc => dynasm!(self ; b.cs => cont),
Condition::Mi => dynasm!(self ; => cont),
Condition::Pl => dynasm!(self ; b.mi => cont),
Condition::Vs => dynasm!(self ; => cont),
Condition::Vc => dynasm!(self ; b.vs => cont),
Condition::Hi => dynasm!(self ; => cont),
Condition::Ls => dynasm!(self ; b.hi => cont),
Condition::Ge => dynasm!(self ; => cont),
Condition::Lt => dynasm!(self ; => cont),
Condition::Gt => dynasm!(self ; b.le => cont),
Condition::Le => dynasm!(self ; => cont),
Condition::Al => { }
dynasm!(self ; b => label);
fn emit_b_register(&mut self, reg: GPR) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
dynasm!(self ; br X(reg.into_index() as u32));
fn emit_call_label(&mut self, label: Label) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
dynasm!(self ; bl =>label);
fn emit_call_register(&mut self, reg: GPR) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
dynasm!(self ; blr X(reg.into_index() as u32));
fn emit_ret(&mut self) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
dynasm!(self ; ret);
fn emit_udf(&mut self, payload: u16) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
dynasm!(self ; udf (payload as u32));
fn emit_dmb(&mut self) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
dynasm!(self ; dmb ish);
fn emit_brk(&mut self) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
dynasm!(self ; brk 0);
fn emit_fcmp(&mut self, sz: Size, src1: Location, src2: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src1, src2) {
(Size::S32, Location::SIMD(src1), Location::SIMD(src2)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; fcmp S(src1), S(src2));
(Size::S64, Location::SIMD(src1), Location::SIMD(src2)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; fcmp D(src1), D(src2));
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit FCMP {:?} {:?} {:?}", sz, src1, src2),
fn emit_fneg(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src, dst) {
(Size::S32, Location::SIMD(src), Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; fneg S(dst), S(src));
(Size::S64, Location::SIMD(src), Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; fneg D(dst), D(src));
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit FNEG {:?} {:?} {:?}", sz, src, dst),
fn emit_fsqrt(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src, dst) {
(Size::S32, Location::SIMD(src), Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; fsqrt S(dst), S(src));
(Size::S64, Location::SIMD(src), Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; fsqrt D(dst), D(src));
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit FSQRT {:?} {:?} {:?}", sz, src, dst),
fn emit_fadd(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src1, src2, dst) {
(Size::S32, Location::SIMD(src1), Location::SIMD(src2), Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; fadd S(dst), S(src1), S(src2));
(Size::S64, Location::SIMD(src1), Location::SIMD(src2), Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; fadd D(dst), D(src1), D(src2));
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass can't emit FADD {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?}",
fn emit_fsub(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src1, src2, dst) {
(Size::S32, Location::SIMD(src1), Location::SIMD(src2), Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; fsub S(dst), S(src1), S(src2));
(Size::S64, Location::SIMD(src1), Location::SIMD(src2), Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; fsub D(dst), D(src1), D(src2));
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass can't emit FSUB {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?}",
fn emit_fmul(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src1, src2, dst) {
(Size::S32, Location::SIMD(src1), Location::SIMD(src2), Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; fmul S(dst), S(src1), S(src2));
(Size::S64, Location::SIMD(src1), Location::SIMD(src2), Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; fmul D(dst), D(src1), D(src2));
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass can't emit FMUL {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?}",
fn emit_fdiv(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src1, src2, dst) {
(Size::S32, Location::SIMD(src1), Location::SIMD(src2), Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; fdiv S(dst), S(src1), S(src2));
(Size::S64, Location::SIMD(src1), Location::SIMD(src2), Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; fdiv D(dst), D(src1), D(src2));
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass can't emit FDIV {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?}",
fn emit_fmin(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src1, src2, dst) {
(Size::S32, Location::SIMD(src1), Location::SIMD(src2), Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; fmin S(dst), S(src1), S(src2));
(Size::S64, Location::SIMD(src1), Location::SIMD(src2), Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; fmin D(dst), D(src1), D(src2));
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass can't emit FMIN {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?}",
fn emit_fmax(
&mut self,
sz: Size,
src1: Location,
src2: Location,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src1, src2, dst) {
(Size::S32, Location::SIMD(src1), Location::SIMD(src2), Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; fmax S(dst), S(src1), S(src2));
(Size::S64, Location::SIMD(src1), Location::SIMD(src2), Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src1 = src1.into_index() as u32;
let src2 = src2.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; fmax D(dst), D(src1), D(src2));
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass can't emit FMAX {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?}",
fn emit_frintz(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src, dst) {
(Size::S32, Location::SIMD(src), Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; frintz S(dst), S(src));
(Size::S64, Location::SIMD(src), Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; frintz D(dst), D(src));
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit FRINTZ {:?} {:?} {:?}", sz, src, dst),
fn emit_frintn(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src, dst) {
(Size::S32, Location::SIMD(src), Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; frintn S(dst), S(src));
(Size::S64, Location::SIMD(src), Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; frintn D(dst), D(src));
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit FRINTN {:?} {:?} {:?}", sz, src, dst),
fn emit_frintm(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src, dst) {
(Size::S32, Location::SIMD(src), Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; frintm S(dst), S(src));
(Size::S64, Location::SIMD(src), Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; frintm D(dst), D(src));
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit FRINTM {:?} {:?} {:?}", sz, src, dst),
fn emit_frintp(&mut self, sz: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz, src, dst) {
(Size::S32, Location::SIMD(src), Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; frintp S(dst), S(src));
(Size::S64, Location::SIMD(src), Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; frintp D(dst), D(src));
_ => codegen_error!("singlepass can't emit FRINTP {:?} {:?} {:?}", sz, src, dst),
fn emit_scvtf(
&mut self,
sz_in: Size,
src: Location,
sz_out: Size,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz_in, src, sz_out, dst) {
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src), Size::S32, Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; scvtf S(dst), W(src));
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src), Size::S32, Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; scvtf S(dst), X(src));
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src), Size::S64, Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; scvtf D(dst), W(src));
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src), Size::S64, Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; scvtf D(dst), X(src));
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass can't emit SCVTF {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?}",
fn emit_ucvtf(
&mut self,
sz_in: Size,
src: Location,
sz_out: Size,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz_in, src, sz_out, dst) {
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src), Size::S32, Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; ucvtf S(dst), W(src));
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src), Size::S32, Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; ucvtf S(dst), X(src));
(Size::S32, Location::GPR(src), Size::S64, Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; ucvtf D(dst), W(src));
(Size::S64, Location::GPR(src), Size::S64, Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; ucvtf D(dst), X(src));
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass can't emit UCVTF {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?}",
fn emit_fcvt(&mut self, sz_in: Size, src: Location, dst: Location) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz_in, src, dst) {
(Size::S32, Location::SIMD(src), Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; fcvt D(dst), S(src));
(Size::S64, Location::SIMD(src), Location::SIMD(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; fcvt S(dst), D(src));
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass can't emit UCVTF {:?} {:?} {:?}",
fn emit_fcvtzs(
&mut self,
sz_in: Size,
src: Location,
sz_out: Size,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz_in, src, sz_out, dst) {
(Size::S32, Location::SIMD(src), Size::S32, Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; fcvtzs W(dst), S(src));
(Size::S64, Location::SIMD(src), Size::S32, Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; fcvtzs W(dst), D(src));
(Size::S32, Location::SIMD(src), Size::S64, Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; fcvtzs X(dst), S(src));
(Size::S64, Location::SIMD(src), Size::S64, Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; fcvtzs X(dst), D(src));
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass can't emit FCVTZS {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?}",
fn emit_fcvtzu(
&mut self,
sz_in: Size,
src: Location,
sz_out: Size,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
match (sz_in, src, sz_out, dst) {
(Size::S32, Location::SIMD(src), Size::S32, Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; fcvtzu W(dst), S(src));
(Size::S64, Location::SIMD(src), Size::S32, Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; fcvtzu W(dst), D(src));
(Size::S32, Location::SIMD(src), Size::S64, Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; fcvtzu X(dst), S(src));
(Size::S64, Location::SIMD(src), Size::S64, Location::GPR(dst)) => {
let src = src.into_index() as u32;
let dst = dst.into_index() as u32;
dynasm!(self ; fcvtzu X(dst), D(src));
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass can't emit FCVTZU {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?}",
fn emit_read_fpcr(&mut self, reg: GPR) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
dynasm!(self ; mrs X(reg as u32), 0b1_011_0100_0100_000);
fn emit_write_fpcr(&mut self, reg: GPR) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
dynasm!(self ; msr 0b1_011_0100_0100_000, X(reg as u32));
fn emit_read_fpsr(&mut self, reg: GPR) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
dynasm!(self ; mrs X(reg as u32), 0b1_011_0100_0100_001);
fn emit_write_fpsr(&mut self, reg: GPR) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
dynasm!(self ; msr 0b1_011_0100_0100_001, X(reg as u32));
fn emit_cnt(&mut self, src: NEON, dst: NEON) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
dynasm!(self ; cnt V(dst.into_index() as u32).B8, V(src.into_index() as u32).B8);
fn emit_addv(&mut self, src: NEON, dst: NEON) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
dynasm!(self ; addv B(dst.into_index() as u32), V(src.into_index() as u32).B8);
fn emit_fmov(
&mut self,
src_size: Size,
src: Location,
dst_size: Size,
dst: Location,
) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
let res = match (src, dst) {
(AbstractLocation::GPR(src), AbstractLocation::SIMD(dst)) => {
match (src_size, dst_size) {
(Size::S32, Size::S32) => Ok(dynasm!(self ; fmov S(dst as u32), W(src as u32))),
(Size::S64, Size::S64) => Ok(dynasm!(self ; fmov D(dst as u32), X(src as u32))),
_ => Err(()),
(AbstractLocation::SIMD(src), AbstractLocation::GPR(dst)) => {
match (src_size, dst_size) {
(Size::S32, Size::S32) => Ok(dynasm!(self ; fmov W(dst as u32), S(src as u32))),
(Size::S64, Size::S64) => Ok(dynasm!(self ; fmov X(dst as u32), D(src as u32))),
_ => Err(()),
_ => Err(()),
match res {
Ok(_) => Ok(()),
Err(_) => codegen_error!(
"singlepass can't generate fmov instruction for src_size: {:?}, src: {:?}, dst_size: {:?}, dst: {:?}",
pub fn gen_std_trampoline_arm64(
sig: &FunctionType,
calling_convention: CallingConvention,
) -> Result<FunctionBody, CompileError> {
let mut a = Assembler::new(0);
let fptr = GPR::X27;
let args = GPR::X28;
; sub sp, sp, 32
; stp x29, x30, [sp]
; stp X(fptr as u32), X(args as u32), [sp, 16]
; mov x29, sp
; mov X(fptr as u32), x1
; mov X(args as u32), x2
let stack_args = sig.params().len().saturating_sub(7); let mut stack_offset = stack_args as u32 * 8;
if stack_args > 0 {
if stack_offset % 16 != 0 {
stack_offset += 8;
assert!(stack_offset % 16 == 0);
dynasm!(a ; sub sp, sp, stack_offset);
let mut caller_stack_offset: i32 = 0;
for (i, param) in sig.params().iter().enumerate() {
let sz = match *param {
Type::I32 | Type::F32 => Size::S32,
Type::I64 | Type::F64 => Size::S64,
Type::ExternRef => Size::S64,
Type::FuncRef => Size::S64,
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass unsupported param type for trampoline {:?}",
match i {
0..=6 => {
Location::GPR(GPR::from_index(i + 1).unwrap()),
Location::Memory(args, (i * 16) as i32),
_ => {
match calling_convention {
CallingConvention::AppleAarch64 => {
let sz = 1
<< match sz {
Size::S8 => 0,
Size::S16 => 1,
Size::S32 => 2,
Size::S64 => 3,
if sz > 1 && caller_stack_offset & (sz - 1) != 0 {
caller_stack_offset = (caller_stack_offset + (sz - 1)) & !(sz - 1);
_ => (),
Location::Memory(args, (i * 16) as i32),
Location::Memory(GPR::XzrSp, caller_stack_offset),
match calling_convention {
CallingConvention::AppleAarch64 => {
caller_stack_offset += 1
<< match sz {
Size::S8 => 0,
Size::S16 => 1,
Size::S32 => 2,
Size::S64 => 3,
_ => {
caller_stack_offset += 8;
dynasm!(a ; blr X(fptr as u32));
if !sig.results().is_empty() {
a.emit_str(Size::S64, Location::GPR(GPR::X0), Location::Memory(args, 0))?;
; ldp X(fptr as u32), X(args as u32), [x29, 16]
; ldp x29, x30, [x29]
; add sp, sp, 32 + stack_offset as u32
; ret
let mut body = a.finalize().unwrap();
Ok(FunctionBody {
unwind_info: None,
pub fn gen_std_dynamic_import_trampoline_arm64(
vmoffsets: &VMOffsets,
sig: &FunctionType,
calling_convention: CallingConvention,
) -> Result<FunctionBody, CompileError> {
let mut a = Assembler::new(0);
let stack_offset: usize = 16 * std::cmp::max(sig.params().len(), sig.results().len());
if stack_offset != 0 {
if stack_offset < 0x1000 {
Location::Imm32(stack_offset as _),
} else {
a.emit_mov_imm(Location::GPR(GPR::X26), stack_offset as u64)?;
if !sig.params().is_empty() {
let mut argalloc = ArgumentRegisterAllocator::default();, calling_convention).unwrap(); let mut stack_param_count: usize = 0;
for (i, ty) in sig.params().iter().enumerate() {
let source_loc = match*ty, calling_convention)? {
Some(ARM64Register::GPR(gpr)) => Location::GPR(gpr),
Some(ARM64Register::NEON(neon)) => Location::SIMD(neon),
None => {
let sz = match calling_convention {
CallingConvention::AppleAarch64 => match *ty {
Type::I32 | Type::F32 => Size::S32,
_ => {
if stack_param_count & 7 != 0 {
stack_param_count = (stack_param_count + 7) & !7;
_ => Size::S64,
Location::Memory(GPR::XzrSp, (stack_offset + 16 + stack_param_count) as _),
stack_param_count += match sz {
Size::S32 => 4,
Size::S64 => 8,
_ => codegen_error!(
"singlepass unreachable in gen_std_dynamic_import_trampoline_arm64"
Location::Memory(GPR::XzrSp, (i * 16) as _),
Location::GPR(GPR::XzrSp), Location::Memory(GPR::XzrSp, (i * 16 + 8) as _), )?;
match calling_convention {
_ => {
let offset = vmoffsets.vmdynamicfunction_import_context_address();
a.emit_ldur(Size::S64, Location::GPR(GPR::X26), GPR::X0, offset as i32)?;
if !sig.results().is_empty() {
assert_eq!(sig.results().len(), 1);
Location::Memory(GPR::XzrSp, 0),
if stack_offset != 0 {
if stack_offset < 0x1000 {
Location::Imm32(stack_offset as _),
} else {
a.emit_mov_imm(Location::GPR(GPR::X26), stack_offset as u64)?;
let mut body = a.finalize().unwrap();
Ok(FunctionBody {
unwind_info: None,
pub fn gen_import_call_trampoline_arm64(
vmoffsets: &VMOffsets,
index: FunctionIndex,
sig: &FunctionType,
calling_convention: CallingConvention,
) -> Result<CustomSection, CompileError> {
let mut a = Assembler::new(0);
if sig
.any(|&x| x == Type::F32 || x == Type::F64)
match calling_convention {
_ => {
let stack_offset: i32 = if sig.params().len() > 7 {
7 * 8
} else {
(sig.params().len() as i32) * 8
let stack_offset = if stack_offset & 15 != 0 {
stack_offset + 8
} else {
if stack_offset > 0 {
if stack_offset < 0x1000 {
Location::Imm32(stack_offset as u32),
} else {
a.emit_mov_imm(Location::GPR(GPR::X16), stack_offset as u64)?;
static PARAM_REGS: &[GPR] = &[
let mut param_locations = vec![];
for i in 0..sig.params().len() {
let loc = match i {
0..=6 => {
let loc = Location::Memory(GPR::XzrSp, (i * 8) as i32);
a.emit_str(Size::S64, Location::GPR(PARAM_REGS[i]), loc)?;
_ => Location::Memory(GPR::XzrSp, stack_offset + ((i - 7) * 8) as i32),
let mut caller_stack_offset: i32 = 0;
let mut argalloc = ArgumentRegisterAllocator::default();, calling_convention).unwrap(); for (i, ty) in sig.params().iter().enumerate() {
let prev_loc = param_locations[i];
let targ = match*ty, calling_convention)? {
Some(ARM64Register::GPR(gpr)) => Location::GPR(gpr),
Some(ARM64Register::NEON(neon)) => Location::SIMD(neon),
None => {
a.emit_ldr(Size::S64, Location::GPR(GPR::X16), prev_loc)?;
Location::Memory(GPR::XzrSp, stack_offset + caller_stack_offset),
caller_stack_offset += 8;
a.emit_ldr(Size::S64, targ, prev_loc)?;
if stack_offset > 0 {
if stack_offset < 0x1000 {
Location::Imm32(stack_offset as u32),
} else {
a.emit_mov_imm(Location::GPR(GPR::X16), stack_offset as u64)?;
let offset = vmoffsets.vmctx_vmfunction_import(index);
let offset =
if (offset > 0 && offset < 0xF8) || (offset > 0 && offset < 0x7FF8 && (offset & 7) == 0) {
} else {
a.emit_mov_imm(Location::GPR(GPR::X16), (offset as i64) as u64)?;
match calling_convention {
_ => {
if (offset & 7) == 0 {
Location::Memory(GPR::X0, offset as i32), )?;
Location::Memory(GPR::X0, offset as i32 + 8), )?;
} else {
offset as i32, )?;
offset as i32 + 8, )?;
let mut contents = a.finalize().unwrap();
let section_body = SectionBody::new_with_vec(contents);
Ok(CustomSection {
protection: CustomSectionProtection::ReadExecute,
bytes: section_body,
relocations: vec![],