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// This file contains code from external sources.
// Attributions: https://github.com/wasmerio/wasmer/blob/main/docs/ATTRIBUTIONS.md
/// A type wrapping a small integer index should implement `EntityRef` so it can be used as the key
/// of an `SecondaryMap` or `SparseMap`.
pub trait EntityRef: Copy + Eq {
/// Create a new entity reference from a small integer.
/// This should crash if the requested index is not representable.
fn new(_: usize) -> Self;
/// Get the index that was used to create this entity reference.
fn index(self) -> usize;
/// Macro which provides the common implementation of a 32-bit entity reference.
macro_rules! entity_impl {
// Basic traits.
($entity:ident) => {
impl $crate::entity::EntityRef for $entity {
fn new(index: usize) -> Self {
debug_assert!(index < (u32::MAX as usize));
$entity(index as u32)
fn index(self) -> usize {
self.0 as usize
impl $crate::entity::packed_option::ReservedValue for $entity {
fn reserved_value() -> $entity {
fn is_reserved_value(&self) -> bool {
self.0 == u32::MAX
impl $entity {
/// Create a new instance from a `u32`.
pub fn from_u32(x: u32) -> Self {
debug_assert!(x < u32::MAX);
/// Return the underlying index value as a `u32`.
pub fn as_u32(self) -> u32 {
// Include basic `Display` impl using the given display prefix.
// Display a `Block` reference as "block12".
($entity:ident, $display_prefix:expr) => {
impl $crate::lib::std::fmt::Display for $entity {
fn fmt(
f: &mut $crate::lib::std::fmt::Formatter,
) -> $crate::lib::std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, concat!($display_prefix, "{}"), self.0)
impl $crate::lib::std::fmt::Debug for $entity {
fn fmt(
f: &mut $crate::lib::std::fmt::Formatter,
) -> $crate::lib::std::fmt::Result {
(self as &dyn $crate::lib::std::fmt::Display).fmt(f)
pub mod packed_option;
mod boxed_slice;
mod iter;
mod keys;
mod primary_map;
mod secondary_map;
pub use crate::entity_impl;
pub use boxed_slice::BoxedSlice;
pub use iter::{Iter, IterMut};
pub use keys::Keys;
pub use primary_map::{ArchivedPrimaryMap, PrimaryMap};
pub use secondary_map::SecondaryMap;