pub unsafe extern "C" fn wasm_module_exports(
    module: &wasm_module_t,
    out: &mut wasm_exporttype_vec_t
Expand description

Returns an array of the exported types in the module.

The order of the exports is guaranteed to be the same as in the WebAssembly bytecode.


int main() {
    // Create the engine and the store.
    wasm_engine_t* engine = wasm_engine_new();
    wasm_store_t* store = wasm_store_new(engine);

    // Create a WebAssembly module from a WAT definition.
    wasm_byte_vec_t wat;
        "  (func (export \"function\") (param i32 i64))\n"
        "  (global (export \"global\") i32 (i32.const 7))\n"
        "  (table (export \"table\") 0 funcref)\n"
        "  (memory (export \"memory\") 1))"
    wasm_byte_vec_t wasm;
    wat2wasm(&wat, &wasm);

    // Create the module.
    wasm_module_t* module = wasm_module_new(store, &wasm);

    // Extract the types exported by this module.
    wasm_exporttype_vec_t export_types;
    wasm_module_exports(module, &export_types);

    // We have 4 of them.
    assert(export_types.size == 4);

    // The first one is a function. Use
    // `wasm_externtype_as_functype_const` to continue to inspect the
    // type.
        wasm_exporttype_t* export_type = export_types.data[0];

        const wasm_name_t* export_name = wasm_exporttype_name(export_type);
        wasmer_assert_name(export_name, "function");

        const wasm_externtype_t* extern_type = wasm_exporttype_type(export_type);
        assert(wasm_externtype_kind(extern_type) == WASM_EXTERN_FUNC);

    // The second one is a global. Use
    // `wasm_externtype_as_globaltype_const` to continue to inspect the
    // type.
        wasm_exporttype_t* export_type = export_types.data[1];

        const wasm_name_t* export_name = wasm_exporttype_name(export_type);
        wasmer_assert_name(export_name, "global");

        const wasm_externtype_t* extern_type = wasm_exporttype_type(export_type);
        assert(wasm_externtype_kind(extern_type) == WASM_EXTERN_GLOBAL);

    // The third one is a table. Use
    // `wasm_externtype_as_tabletype_const` to continue to inspect the
    // type.
        wasm_exporttype_t* export_type = export_types.data[2];

        const wasm_name_t* export_name = wasm_exporttype_name(export_type);
        wasmer_assert_name(export_name, "table");

        const wasm_externtype_t* extern_type = wasm_exporttype_type(export_type);
        assert(wasm_externtype_kind(extern_type) == WASM_EXTERN_TABLE);

    // The fourth one is a memory. Use
    // `wasm_externtype_as_memorytype_const` to continue to inspect the
    // type.
        wasm_exporttype_t* export_type = export_types.data[3];

        const wasm_name_t* export_name = wasm_exporttype_name(export_type);
        wasmer_assert_name(export_name, "memory");

        const wasm_externtype_t* extern_type = wasm_exporttype_type(export_type);
        assert(wasm_externtype_kind(extern_type) == WASM_EXTERN_MEMORY);

    // Free everything.

    return 0;