Module wasmer_wasix::syscalls

source Β·



  • io πŸ”’
    Traits, helpers, and type definitions for core I/O functionality.
  • These modules provide wrappers and implementations for older version of WASI.
  • mpsc πŸ”’
    Multi-producer, single-consumer FIFO queue communication primitives.


  • debug πŸ”’
    Constructs an event at the debug level.
  • error πŸ”’
    Constructs an event at the error level.
  • trace πŸ”’
    Constructs an event at the trace level.
  • warn πŸ”’
    Constructs an event at the warn level.


  • Arc πŸ”’
    A thread-safe reference-counting pointer. β€˜Arc’ stands for β€˜Atomically Reference Counted’.
  • AsyncifyPoller πŸ”’
  • AtomicBool πŸ”’
    A boolean type which can be safely shared between threads.
  • AtomicU32 πŸ”’
    An integer type which can be safely shared between threads.
  • AtomicU64 πŸ”’
    An integer type which can be safely shared between threads.
  • Bytes πŸ”’
    A cheaply cloneable and sliceable chunk of contiguous memory.
  • BytesMut πŸ”’
    A unique reference to a contiguous slice of memory.
  • Condvar πŸ”’
    A Condition Variable
  • Context πŸ”’
    The context of an asynchronous task.
  • Dirent πŸ”’
    A directory entry.
  • DuplexPipe πŸ”’
    A pair of pipes that are connected together.
  • Duration πŸ”’
    A Duration type to represent a span of time, typically used for system timeouts.
  • Event πŸ”’
    An event that occurred.
  • EventFdReadwrite πŸ”’
    The contents of an event for the eventtype::fd_read and eventtype::fd_write variants
  • Eventrwflags πŸ”’
    The state of the file descriptor subscribed to with eventtype::fd_read or eventtype::fd_write.
  • ExitCode πŸ”’
  • Fdflags πŸ”’
    File descriptor flags.
  • Fdflagsext πŸ”’
  • Fdstat πŸ”’
    File descriptor attributes.
  • Filestat πŸ”’
  • Fstflags πŸ”’
    Which file time attributes to adjust. TODO: wit appears to not have support for flags repr (@witx repr u16)
  • Function πŸ”’
    A WebAssembly function instance.
  • FunctionEnv πŸ”’
    An opaque reference to a function environment. The function environment data is owned by the Store.
  • FunctionEnvMut πŸ”’
    A temporary handle to a FunctionEnv.
  • Global πŸ”’
    A WebAssembly global instance.
  • HashMap πŸ”’
    A hash map implemented with quadratic probing and SIMD lookup.
  • HashSet πŸ”’
    A hash set implemented as a HashMap where the value is ().
  • Instance πŸ”’
    A WebAssembly Instance is a stateful, executable instance of a WebAssembly Module.
  • Ipv4Addr πŸ”’
    An IPv4 address.
  • Ipv6Addr πŸ”’
    An IPv6 address.
  • LocalKey πŸ”’
    A thread local storage key which owns its contents.
  • Memory πŸ”’
    A WebAssembly memory instance.
  • Memory32 πŸ”’
    Marker trait for 32-bit memories.
  • Memory64 πŸ”’
    Marker trait for 64-bit memories.
  • MemoryView πŸ”’
    A WebAssembly memory view.
  • Module πŸ”’
    A WebAssembly Module contains stateless WebAssembly code that has already been compiled and can be instantiated multiple times.
  • Mutex πŸ”’
    A mutual exclusion primitive useful for protecting shared data
  • OptionFd πŸ”’
  • Pages πŸ”’
    Units of WebAssembly pages (as specified to be 65,536 bytes).
  • Path πŸ”’
    A slice of a path (akin to str).
  • Pin πŸ”’
    A pointer which pins its pointee in place.
  • Prestat πŸ”’
  • RefCell πŸ”’
    A mutable memory location with dynamically checked borrow rules
  • Rights πŸ”’
    File descriptor rights, determining which actions may be performed.
  • RuntimeError πŸ”’
    A struct representing an aborted instruction execution, with a message indicating the cause.
  • StackSnapshot πŸ”’
  • Store πŸ”’
    The store represents all global state that can be manipulated by WebAssembly programs. It consists of the runtime representation of all instances of functions, tables, memories, and globals that have been allocated during the lifetime of the abstract machine.
  • Subscription πŸ”’
  • An event that occurred. The contents of an event. An event that occurred. The contents of a subscription, snapshot0 version. The contents of a subscription. The contents of a subscription when the variant is eventtype::fd_read or eventtype::fd_write.
  • Tty πŸ”’
  • TypedFunction πŸ”’
    A WebAssembly function that can be called natively (using the Native ABI).
  • WasmPtr πŸ”’
    A zero-cost type that represents a pointer to something in Wasm linear memory.
  • WasmSlice πŸ”’
    Reference to an array of values in Wasm memory.


  • Addressfamily πŸ”’
  • Advice πŸ”’
    File or memory access pattern advisory information.
  • Clockid πŸ”’
    Identifiers for clocks.
  • Cow πŸ”’
    A clone-on-write smart pointer.
  • Entry πŸ”’
    A view into a single entry in a map, which may either be vacant or occupied.
  • Errno πŸ”’
    Error codes returned by functions. Not all of these error codes are returned by the functions provided by this API; some are used in higher-level library layers, and others are provided merely for alignment with POSIX.
  • Eventtype πŸ”’
    Type of a subscription to an event or its occurrence.
  • Extern πŸ”’
    An Extern is the runtime representation of an entity that can be imported or exported.
  • Filetype πŸ”’
    The type of a file descriptor or file.
  • FsError πŸ”’
    Error type for external users
  • HandleRewindType πŸ”’
  • Infallible πŸ”’
    The error type for errors that can never happen.
  • IpAddr πŸ”’
    An IP address, either IPv4 or IPv6.
  • Error for invalid Memory access.
  • MemoryError πŸ”’
    Error type describing things that can go wrong when operating on Wasm Memories.
  • OnCalledAction πŸ”’
    After the stack is unwound via asyncify what should the call loop do next
  • Ordering πŸ”’
    Atomic memory orderings
  • Poll πŸ”’
    Indicates whether a value is available or if the current task has been scheduled to receive a wakeup instead.
  • Snapshot0Clockid πŸ”’
    Identifiers for clocks, snapshot0 version.
  • SocketAddr πŸ”’
    An internet socket address, either IPv4 or IPv6.
  • Sockoption πŸ”’
  • Sockstatus πŸ”’
  • Socktype πŸ”’
  • StreamSecurity πŸ”’
  • Streamsecurity πŸ”’
  • Value πŸ”’
    WebAssembly computations manipulate values of basic value types:
  • WasiStdioMode πŸ”’
  • Whence πŸ”’


  • AsStoreMut πŸ”’
    Helper trait for a value that is convertible to a [StoreMut].
  • AsStoreRef πŸ”’
    Helper trait for a value that is convertible to a [StoreRef].
  • AsyncSeekExt πŸ”’
    An extension trait that adds utility methods to AsyncSeek types.
  • AsyncWriteExt πŸ”’
    Writes bytes to a sink.
  • Borrow πŸ”’
    A trait for borrowing data.
  • Deref πŸ”’
    Used for immutable dereferencing operations, like *v.
  • DerefMut πŸ”’
    Used for mutable dereferencing operations, like in *v = 1;.
  • FileSystem πŸ”’
  • IntoWaker πŸ”’
    Objects that can be converted into an Waker. This trait is automatically implemented for types that fulfill the waker interface. Such types must be:
  • MemorySize πŸ”’
    Trait for the Memory32 and Memory64 marker types.
  • Read πŸ”’
    The Read trait allows for reading bytes from a source.
  • Seek πŸ”’
    The Seek trait provides a cursor which can be moved within a stream of bytes.
  • TryInto πŸ”’
    An attempted conversion that consumes self, which may or may not be expensive.
  • VirtualFile πŸ”’
    This trait relies on your file closing when it goes out of scope via Drop
  • Write πŸ”’
    A trait for objects which are byte-oriented sinks.


Type Aliases§

  • Future that will be polled by asyncify methods (the return value is what will be returned in rewind or in the instant response)
  • Dircookie πŸ”’
    A reference to the offset of a directory entry.
  • Filesize πŸ”’
    Non-negative file size or length of a region within a file.
  • Linkcount πŸ”’
  • Longsize πŸ”’
    Long size used by checkpoints
  • NonZeroU64 πŸ”’
    An integer that is known not to equal zero.
  • Pid πŸ”’
  • Sha256 πŸ”’
    SHA-256 hasher.
  • Tid πŸ”’
  • Timestamp πŸ”’
    Timestamp in nanoseconds.
  • TlKey πŸ”’
    Thread local key
  • TlUser πŸ”’
    Thread local user data (associated with the value)
  • TlVal πŸ”’
    Thread local value
  • WasiFd πŸ”’
    A file descriptor handle.
