Enum wasmer_wasix::types::wasi::SockProto

pub enum SockProto {
Show 264 variants Ip = 0, Icmp = 1, Igmp = 2, ProtoThree = 3, Ipip = 4, ProtoFive = 5, Tcp = 6, ProtoSeven = 7, Egp = 8, ProtoNine = 9, ProtoTen = 10, ProtoEleven = 11, Pup = 12, ProtoThirteen = 13, ProtoFourteen = 14, ProtoFifteen = 15, ProtoSixteen = 16, Udp = 17, ProtoEighteen = 18, ProtoNineteen = 19, ProtoTwenty = 20, ProtoTwentyone = 21, Idp = 22, ProtoTwentythree = 23, ProtoTwentyfour = 24, ProtoTwentyfive = 25, ProtoTwentysix = 26, ProtoTwentyseven = 27, ProtoTwentyeight = 28, ProtoTp = 29, ProtoThirty = 30, ProtoThirtyone = 31, ProtoThirtytwo = 32, Dccp = 33, ProtoThirtyfour = 34, ProtoThirtyfive = 35, ProtoThirtysix = 36, ProtoThirtyseven = 37, ProtoThirtyeight = 38, ProtoThirtynine = 39, ProtoFourty = 40, Ipv6 = 41, ProtoFourtytwo = 42, Routing = 43, Fragment = 44, ProtoFourtyfive = 45, Rsvp = 46, Gre = 47, ProtoFourtyeight = 48, ProtoFourtynine = 49, Esp = 50, Ah = 51, ProtoFiftytwo = 52, ProtoFiftythree = 53, ProtoFiftyfour = 54, ProtoFiftyfive = 55, ProtoFiftysix = 56, ProtoFiftyseven = 57, Icmpv6 = 58, None = 59, Dstopts = 60, ProtoSixtyone = 61, ProtoSixtytwo = 62, ProtoSixtythree = 63, ProtoSixtyfour = 64, ProtoSixtyfive = 65, ProtoSixtysix = 66, ProtoSixtyseven = 67, ProtoSixtyeight = 68, ProtoSixtynine = 69, ProtoSeventy = 70, ProtoSeventyone = 71, ProtoSeventytwo = 72, ProtoSeventythree = 73, ProtoSeventyfour = 74, ProtoSeventyfive = 75, ProtoSeventysix = 76, ProtoSeventyseven = 77, ProtoSeventyeight = 78, ProtoSeventynine = 79, ProtoEighty = 80, ProtoEightyone = 81, ProtoEightytwo = 82, ProtoEightythree = 83, ProtoEightyfour = 84, ProtoEightyfive = 85, ProtoEightysix = 86, ProtoEightyseven = 87, ProtoEightyeight = 88, ProtoEightynine = 89, ProtoNinety = 90, ProtoNinetyone = 91, Mtp = 92, ProtoNinetythree = 93, Beetph = 94, ProtoNinetyfive = 95, ProtoNinetysix = 96, ProtoNineetyseven = 97, Encap = 98, ProtoNinetynine = 99, ProtoOnehundred = 100, ProtoOnehundredandone = 101, ProtoOnehundredandtwo = 102, Pim = 103, ProtoOnehundredandfour = 104, ProtoOnehundredandfive = 105, ProtoOnehundredandsix = 106, ProtoOnehundredandseven = 107, Comp = 108, ProtoOnehundredandnine = 109, ProtoOnehundredandten = 110, ProtoOnehundredandeleven = 111, ProtoOnehundredandtwelve = 112, ProtoOnehundredandthirteen = 113, ProtoOnehundredandfourteen = 114, ProtoOnehundredandfifteen = 115, ProtoOnehundredandsixteen = 116, ProtoOnehundredandseventeen = 117, ProtoOnehundredandeighteen = 118, ProtoOnehundredandnineteen = 119, ProtoOnehundredandtwenty = 120, ProtoOnehundredandtwentyone = 121, ProtoOnehundredandtwentytwo = 122, ProtoOnehundredandtwentythree = 123, ProtoOnehundredandtwentyfour = 124, ProtoOnehundredandtwentyfive = 125, ProtoOnehundredandtwentysix = 126, ProtoOnehundredandtwentyseven = 127, ProtoOnehundredandtwentyeight = 128, ProtoOnehundredandtwentynine = 129, ProtoOnehundredandthirty = 130, ProtoOnehundredandthirtyone = 131, Sctp = 132, ProtoOnehundredandthirtythree = 133, ProtoOnehundredandthirtyfour = 134, Mh = 135, Udplite = 136, Mpls = 137, ProtoOnehundredandthirtyeight = 138, ProtoOnehundredandthirtynine = 139, ProtoOnehundredandfourty = 140, ProtoOnehundredandfourtyone = 141, ProtoOnehundredandfourtytwo = 142, Ethernet = 143, ProtoOnehundredandfourtyfour = 144, ProtoOnehundredandfourtyfive = 145, ProtoOnehundredandfourtysix = 146, ProtoOnehundredandfourtyseven = 147, ProtoOnehundredandfourtyeight = 148, ProtoOnehundredandfourtynine = 149, ProtoOnehundredandfifty = 150, ProtoOnehundredandfiftyone = 151, ProtoOnehundredandfiftytwo = 152, ProtoOnehundredandfiftythree = 153, ProtoOnehundredandfiftyfour = 154, ProtoOnehundredandfiftyfive = 155, ProtoOnehundredandfiftysix = 156, ProtoOnehundredandfiftyseven = 157, ProtoOnehundredandfiftyeight = 158, ProtoOnehundredandfiftynine = 159, ProtoOnehundredandsixty = 160, ProtoOnehundredandsixtyone = 161, ProtoOnehundredandsixtytwo = 162, ProtoOnehundredandsixtythree = 163, ProtoOnehundredandsixtyfour = 164, ProtoOnehundredandsixtyfive = 165, ProtoOnehundredandsixtysix = 166, ProtoOnehundredandsixtyseven = 167, ProtoOnehundredandsixtyeight = 168, ProtoOnehundredandsixtynine = 169, ProtoOnehundredandseventy = 170, ProtoOnehundredandseventyone = 171, ProtoOnehundredandseventytwo = 172, ProtoOnehundredandseventythree = 173, ProtoOnehundredandseventyfour = 174, ProtoOnehundredandseventyfive = 175, ProtoOnehundredandseventysix = 176, ProtoOnehundredandseventyseven = 177, ProtoOnehundredandseventyeight = 178, ProtoOnehundredandseventynine = 179, ProtoOnehundredandeighty = 180, ProtoOnehundredandeightyone = 181, ProtoOnehundredandeightytwo = 182, ProtoOnehundredandeightythree = 183, ProtoOnehundredandeightyfour = 184, ProtoOnehundredandeightyfive = 185, ProtoOnehundredandeightysix = 186, ProtoOnehundredandeightyseven = 187, ProtoOnehundredandeightyeight = 188, ProtoOnehundredandeightynine = 189, ProtoOnehundredandninety = 190, ProtoOnehundredandninetyone = 191, ProtoOnehundredandninetytwo = 192, ProtoOnehundredandninetythree = 193, ProtoOnehundredandninetyfour = 194, ProtoOnehundredandninetyfive = 195, ProtoOnehundredandninetysix = 196, ProtoOnehundredandninetyseven = 197, ProtoOnehundredandninetyeight = 198, ProtoOnehundredandninetynine = 199, ProtoTwohundred = 200, ProtoTwohundredandone = 201, ProtoTwohundredandtwo = 202, ProtoTwohundredandthree = 203, ProtoTwohundredandfour = 204, ProtoTwohundredandfive = 205, ProtoTwohundredandsix = 206, ProtoTwohundredandseven = 207, ProtoTwohundredandeight = 208, ProtoTwohundredandnine = 209, ProtoTwohundredandten = 210, ProtoTwohundredandeleven = 211, ProtoTwohundredandtwelve = 212, ProtoTwohundredandthirteen = 213, ProtoTwohundredandfourteen = 214, ProtoTwohundredandfifteen = 215, ProtoTwohundredandsixteen = 216, ProtoTwohundredandseventeen = 217, ProtoTwohundredandeighteen = 218, ProtoTwohundredandnineteen = 219, ProtoTwohundredandtwenty = 220, ProtoTwohundredandtwentyone = 221, ProtoTwohundredandtwentytwo = 222, ProtoTwohundredandtwentythree = 223, ProtoTwohundredandtwentyfour = 224, ProtoTwohundredandtwentyfive = 225, ProtoTwohundredandtwentysix = 226, ProtoTwohundredandtwentyseven = 227, ProtoTwohundredandtwentyeight = 228, ProtoTwohundredandtwentynine = 229, ProtoTwohundredandthirty = 230, ProtoTwohundredandthirtyone = 231, ProtoTwohundredandthirtytwo = 232, ProtoTwohundredandthirtythree = 233, ProtoTwohundredandthirtyfour = 234, ProtoTwohundredandthirtyfive = 235, ProtoTwohundredandthirtysix = 236, ProtoTwohundredandthirtyseven = 237, ProtoTwohundredandthirtyeight = 238, ProtoTwohundredandthirtynine = 239, ProtoTwohundredandfourty = 240, ProtoTwohundredandfourtyone = 241, ProtoTwohundredandfourtytwo = 242, ProtoTwohundredandfourtythree = 243, ProtoTwohundredandfourtyfour = 244, ProtoTwohundredandfourtyfive = 245, ProtoTwohundredandfourtysix = 246, ProtoTwohundredandfourtyseven = 247, ProtoTwohundredandfourtyeight = 248, ProtoTwohundredandfourtynine = 249, ProtoTwohundredandfifty = 250, ProtoTwohundredandfiftyone = 251, ProtoTwohundredandfiftytwo = 252, ProtoTwohundredandfiftythree = 253, ProtoTwohundredandfiftyfour = 254, ProtoRaw = 255, ProtoTwohundredandfiftysix = 256, ProtoTwohundredandfiftyseven = 257, ProtoTwohundredandfiftyeight = 258, ProtoTwohundredandfiftynine = 259, ProtoTwohundredandsixty = 260, ProtoTwohundredandsixtyone = 261, Mptcp = 262, Max = 263,



Ip = 0


Icmp = 1


Igmp = 2


ProtoThree = 3


Ipip = 4


ProtoFive = 5


Tcp = 6


ProtoSeven = 7


Egp = 8


ProtoNine = 9


ProtoTen = 10


ProtoEleven = 11


Pup = 12


ProtoThirteen = 13


ProtoFourteen = 14


ProtoFifteen = 15


ProtoSixteen = 16


Udp = 17


ProtoEighteen = 18


ProtoNineteen = 19


ProtoTwenty = 20


ProtoTwentyone = 21


Idp = 22


ProtoTwentythree = 23


ProtoTwentyfour = 24


ProtoTwentyfive = 25


ProtoTwentysix = 26


ProtoTwentyseven = 27


ProtoTwentyeight = 28


ProtoTp = 29


ProtoThirty = 30


ProtoThirtyone = 31


ProtoThirtytwo = 32


Dccp = 33


ProtoThirtyfour = 34


ProtoThirtyfive = 35


ProtoThirtysix = 36


ProtoThirtyseven = 37


ProtoThirtyeight = 38


ProtoThirtynine = 39


ProtoFourty = 40


Ipv6 = 41


ProtoFourtytwo = 42


Routing = 43


Fragment = 44


ProtoFourtyfive = 45


Rsvp = 46


Gre = 47


ProtoFourtyeight = 48


ProtoFourtynine = 49


Esp = 50


Ah = 51


ProtoFiftytwo = 52


ProtoFiftythree = 53


ProtoFiftyfour = 54


ProtoFiftyfive = 55


ProtoFiftysix = 56


ProtoFiftyseven = 57


Icmpv6 = 58


None = 59


Dstopts = 60


ProtoSixtyone = 61


ProtoSixtytwo = 62


ProtoSixtythree = 63


ProtoSixtyfour = 64


ProtoSixtyfive = 65


ProtoSixtysix = 66


ProtoSixtyseven = 67


ProtoSixtyeight = 68


ProtoSixtynine = 69


ProtoSeventy = 70


ProtoSeventyone = 71


ProtoSeventytwo = 72


ProtoSeventythree = 73


ProtoSeventyfour = 74


ProtoSeventyfive = 75


ProtoSeventysix = 76


ProtoSeventyseven = 77


ProtoSeventyeight = 78


ProtoSeventynine = 79


ProtoEighty = 80


ProtoEightyone = 81


ProtoEightytwo = 82


ProtoEightythree = 83


ProtoEightyfour = 84


ProtoEightyfive = 85


ProtoEightysix = 86


ProtoEightyseven = 87


ProtoEightyeight = 88


ProtoEightynine = 89


ProtoNinety = 90


ProtoNinetyone = 91


Mtp = 92


ProtoNinetythree = 93


Beetph = 94


ProtoNinetyfive = 95


ProtoNinetysix = 96


ProtoNineetyseven = 97


Encap = 98


ProtoNinetynine = 99


ProtoOnehundred = 100


ProtoOnehundredandone = 101


ProtoOnehundredandtwo = 102


Pim = 103


ProtoOnehundredandfour = 104


ProtoOnehundredandfive = 105


ProtoOnehundredandsix = 106


ProtoOnehundredandseven = 107


Comp = 108


ProtoOnehundredandnine = 109


ProtoOnehundredandten = 110


ProtoOnehundredandeleven = 111


ProtoOnehundredandtwelve = 112


ProtoOnehundredandthirteen = 113


ProtoOnehundredandfourteen = 114


ProtoOnehundredandfifteen = 115


ProtoOnehundredandsixteen = 116


ProtoOnehundredandseventeen = 117


ProtoOnehundredandeighteen = 118


ProtoOnehundredandnineteen = 119


ProtoOnehundredandtwenty = 120


ProtoOnehundredandtwentyone = 121


ProtoOnehundredandtwentytwo = 122


ProtoOnehundredandtwentythree = 123


ProtoOnehundredandtwentyfour = 124


ProtoOnehundredandtwentyfive = 125


ProtoOnehundredandtwentysix = 126


ProtoOnehundredandtwentyseven = 127


ProtoOnehundredandtwentyeight = 128


ProtoOnehundredandtwentynine = 129


ProtoOnehundredandthirty = 130


ProtoOnehundredandthirtyone = 131


Sctp = 132


ProtoOnehundredandthirtythree = 133


ProtoOnehundredandthirtyfour = 134


Mh = 135


Udplite = 136


Mpls = 137


ProtoOnehundredandthirtyeight = 138


ProtoOnehundredandthirtynine = 139


ProtoOnehundredandfourty = 140


ProtoOnehundredandfourtyone = 141


ProtoOnehundredandfourtytwo = 142


Ethernet = 143


ProtoOnehundredandfourtyfour = 144


ProtoOnehundredandfourtyfive = 145


ProtoOnehundredandfourtysix = 146


ProtoOnehundredandfourtyseven = 147


ProtoOnehundredandfourtyeight = 148


ProtoOnehundredandfourtynine = 149


ProtoOnehundredandfifty = 150


ProtoOnehundredandfiftyone = 151


ProtoOnehundredandfiftytwo = 152


ProtoOnehundredandfiftythree = 153


ProtoOnehundredandfiftyfour = 154


ProtoOnehundredandfiftyfive = 155


ProtoOnehundredandfiftysix = 156


ProtoOnehundredandfiftyseven = 157


ProtoOnehundredandfiftyeight = 158


ProtoOnehundredandfiftynine = 159


ProtoOnehundredandsixty = 160


ProtoOnehundredandsixtyone = 161


ProtoOnehundredandsixtytwo = 162


ProtoOnehundredandsixtythree = 163


ProtoOnehundredandsixtyfour = 164


ProtoOnehundredandsixtyfive = 165


ProtoOnehundredandsixtysix = 166


ProtoOnehundredandsixtyseven = 167


ProtoOnehundredandsixtyeight = 168


ProtoOnehundredandsixtynine = 169


ProtoOnehundredandseventy = 170


ProtoOnehundredandseventyone = 171


ProtoOnehundredandseventytwo = 172


ProtoOnehundredandseventythree = 173


ProtoOnehundredandseventyfour = 174


ProtoOnehundredandseventyfive = 175


ProtoOnehundredandseventysix = 176


ProtoOnehundredandseventyseven = 177


ProtoOnehundredandseventyeight = 178


ProtoOnehundredandseventynine = 179


ProtoOnehundredandeighty = 180


ProtoOnehundredandeightyone = 181


ProtoOnehundredandeightytwo = 182


ProtoOnehundredandeightythree = 183


ProtoOnehundredandeightyfour = 184


ProtoOnehundredandeightyfive = 185


ProtoOnehundredandeightysix = 186


ProtoOnehundredandeightyseven = 187


ProtoOnehundredandeightyeight = 188


ProtoOnehundredandeightynine = 189


ProtoOnehundredandninety = 190


ProtoOnehundredandninetyone = 191


ProtoOnehundredandninetytwo = 192


ProtoOnehundredandninetythree = 193


ProtoOnehundredandninetyfour = 194


ProtoOnehundredandninetyfive = 195


ProtoOnehundredandninetysix = 196


ProtoOnehundredandninetyseven = 197


ProtoOnehundredandninetyeight = 198


ProtoOnehundredandninetynine = 199


ProtoTwohundred = 200


ProtoTwohundredandone = 201


ProtoTwohundredandtwo = 202


ProtoTwohundredandthree = 203


ProtoTwohundredandfour = 204


ProtoTwohundredandfive = 205


ProtoTwohundredandsix = 206


ProtoTwohundredandseven = 207


ProtoTwohundredandeight = 208


ProtoTwohundredandnine = 209


ProtoTwohundredandten = 210


ProtoTwohundredandeleven = 211


ProtoTwohundredandtwelve = 212


ProtoTwohundredandthirteen = 213


ProtoTwohundredandfourteen = 214


ProtoTwohundredandfifteen = 215


ProtoTwohundredandsixteen = 216


ProtoTwohundredandseventeen = 217


ProtoTwohundredandeighteen = 218


ProtoTwohundredandnineteen = 219


ProtoTwohundredandtwenty = 220


ProtoTwohundredandtwentyone = 221


ProtoTwohundredandtwentytwo = 222


ProtoTwohundredandtwentythree = 223


ProtoTwohundredandtwentyfour = 224


ProtoTwohundredandtwentyfive = 225


ProtoTwohundredandtwentysix = 226


ProtoTwohundredandtwentyseven = 227


ProtoTwohundredandtwentyeight = 228


ProtoTwohundredandtwentynine = 229


ProtoTwohundredandthirty = 230


ProtoTwohundredandthirtyone = 231


ProtoTwohundredandthirtytwo = 232


ProtoTwohundredandthirtythree = 233


ProtoTwohundredandthirtyfour = 234


ProtoTwohundredandthirtyfive = 235


ProtoTwohundredandthirtysix = 236


ProtoTwohundredandthirtyseven = 237


ProtoTwohundredandthirtyeight = 238


ProtoTwohundredandthirtynine = 239


ProtoTwohundredandfourty = 240


ProtoTwohundredandfourtyone = 241


ProtoTwohundredandfourtytwo = 242


ProtoTwohundredandfourtythree = 243


ProtoTwohundredandfourtyfour = 244


ProtoTwohundredandfourtyfive = 245


ProtoTwohundredandfourtysix = 246


ProtoTwohundredandfourtyseven = 247


ProtoTwohundredandfourtyeight = 248


ProtoTwohundredandfourtynine = 249


ProtoTwohundredandfifty = 250


ProtoTwohundredandfiftyone = 251


ProtoTwohundredandfiftytwo = 252


ProtoTwohundredandfiftythree = 253


ProtoTwohundredandfiftyfour = 254


ProtoRaw = 255


ProtoTwohundredandfiftysix = 256


ProtoTwohundredandfiftyseven = 257


ProtoTwohundredandfiftyeight = 258


ProtoTwohundredandfiftynine = 259


ProtoTwohundredandsixty = 260


ProtoTwohundredandsixtyone = 261


Mptcp = 262


Max = 263

Trait Implementations§


impl Clone for SockProto


fn clone(&self) -> SockProto

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for SockProto


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for SockProto


fn deserialize<__D>( __deserializer: __D, ) -> Result<SockProto, <__D as Deserializer<'de>>::Error>
where __D: Deserializer<'de>,

Deserialize this value from the given Serde deserializer. Read more

impl FromToNativeWasmType for SockProto


type Native = i32

Native Wasm type.

fn to_native(self) -> <SockProto as FromToNativeWasmType>::Native

Convert self to Self::Native. Read more

fn from_native(n: <SockProto as FromToNativeWasmType>::Native) -> SockProto

Convert a value of kind Self::Native to Self. Read more

fn is_from_store(&self, _store: &impl AsStoreRef) -> bool

Returns whether the given value is from the given store. Read more

impl PartialEq for SockProto


fn eq(&self, other: &SockProto) -> bool

This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==.
1.0.0 · source§

fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.

impl Serialize for SockProto


fn serialize<__S>( &self, __serializer: __S, ) -> Result<<__S as Serializer>::Ok, <__S as Serializer>::Error>
where __S: Serializer,

Serialize this value into the given Serde serializer. Read more

impl TryFrom<u16> for SockProto


type Error = TryFromPrimitiveError<SockProto>

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(number: u16) -> Result<SockProto, TryFromPrimitiveError<SockProto>>

Performs the conversion.

impl TryFromPrimitive for SockProto


type Primitive = u16


const NAME: &'static str = "SockProto"


fn try_from_primitive( number: <SockProto as TryFromPrimitive>::Primitive, ) -> Result<SockProto, TryFromPrimitiveError<SockProto>>


impl ValueType for SockProto


fn zero_padding_bytes(&self, _bytes: &mut [MaybeUninit<u8>])

This method is passed a byte slice which contains the byte representation of self. It must zero out any bytes which are uninitialized (e.g. padding bytes).

impl Copy for SockProto


impl Eq for SockProto


impl StructuralPartialEq for SockProto

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> ArchivePointee for T


type ArchivedMetadata = ()

The archived version of the pointer metadata for this type.

fn pointer_metadata( _: &<T as ArchivePointee>::ArchivedMetadata, ) -> <T as Pointee>::Metadata

Converts some archived metadata to the pointer metadata for itself.

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> CloneToUninit for T
where T: Copy,


unsafe fn clone_to_uninit(&self, dst: *mut T)

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (clone_to_uninit)
Performs copy-assignment from self to dst. Read more

impl<T> CloneToUninit for T
where T: Clone,


default unsafe fn clone_to_uninit(&self, dst: *mut T)

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (clone_to_uninit)
Performs copy-assignment from self to dst. Read more

impl<T> DynClone for T
where T: Clone,


impl<Q, K> Equivalent<K> for Q
where Q: Eq + ?Sized, K: Borrow<Q> + ?Sized,


fn equivalent(&self, key: &K) -> bool

Checks if this value is equivalent to the given key. Read more

impl<Q, K> Equivalent<K> for Q
where Q: Eq + ?Sized, K: Borrow<Q> + ?Sized,


fn equivalent(&self, key: &K) -> bool

Checks if this value is equivalent to the given key. Read more

impl<Q, K> Equivalent<K> for Q
where Q: Eq + ?Sized, K: Borrow<Q> + ?Sized,


fn equivalent(&self, key: &K) -> bool

Compare self to key and return true if they are equal.

impl<Q, K> Equivalent<K> for Q
where Q: Eq + ?Sized, K: Borrow<Q> + ?Sized,


fn equivalent(&self, key: &K) -> bool

Checks if this value is equivalent to the given key. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T> Instrument for T


fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the provided [Span], returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> IntoEither for T


fn into_either(self, into_left: bool) -> Either<Self, Self>

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left is true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

fn into_either_with<F>(self, into_left: F) -> Either<Self, Self>
where F: FnOnce(&Self) -> bool,

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left(&self) returns true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

impl<T> IntoResult<T> for T
where T: WasmTypeList,


type Error = Infallible

The error type for this trait.

fn into_result(self) -> Result<T, Infallible>

Transforms Self into a Result.

impl<T> LayoutRaw for T


fn layout_raw(_: <T as Pointee>::Metadata) -> Result<Layout, LayoutError>

Returns the layout of the type.

impl<T, N1, N2> Niching<NichedOption<T, N1>> for N2
where T: SharedNiching<N1, N2>, N1: Niching<T>, N2: Niching<T>,


unsafe fn is_niched(niched: *const NichedOption<T, N1>) -> bool

Returns whether the given value has been niched. Read more

fn resolve_niched(out: Place<NichedOption<T, N1>>)

Writes data to out indicating that a T is niched.

impl<T> Pointable for T


const ALIGN: usize = _

The alignment of pointer.

type Init = T

The type for initializers.

unsafe fn init(init: <T as Pointable>::Init) -> usize

Initializes a with the given initializer. Read more

unsafe fn deref<'a>(ptr: usize) -> &'a T

Dereferences the given pointer. Read more

unsafe fn deref_mut<'a>(ptr: usize) -> &'a mut T

Mutably dereferences the given pointer. Read more

unsafe fn drop(ptr: usize)

Drops the object pointed to by the given pointer. Read more

impl<T> Pointee for T


type Metadata = ()

The metadata type for pointers and references to this type.

impl<T> Same for T


type Output = T

Should always be Self

impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T> Upcastable for T
where T: Any + Debug + 'static,


fn upcast_any_ref(&self) -> &(dyn Any + 'static)


fn upcast_any_mut(&mut self) -> &mut (dyn Any + 'static)


fn upcast_any_box(self: Box<T>) -> Box<dyn Any>


impl<T> Upcastable for T
where T: Any + Send + Sync + 'static,


fn upcast_any_ref(&self) -> &(dyn Any + 'static)

upcast ref

fn upcast_any_mut(&mut self) -> &mut (dyn Any + 'static)

upcast mut ref

fn upcast_any_box(self: Box<T>) -> Box<dyn Any>

upcast boxed dyn

impl<V, T> VZip<V> for T
where V: MultiLane<T>,


fn vzip(self) -> V


impl<A1> WasmTypeList for A1
where A1: FromToNativeWasmType,


type CStruct = S1<A1>

The C type (a struct) that can hold/represent all the represented values.

type Array = [RawValue; 1]

The array type that can hold all the represented values. Read more

fn size() -> u32

The size of the array

unsafe fn from_array( _store: &mut impl AsStoreMut, array: <A1 as WasmTypeList>::Array, ) -> A1

Constructs Self based on an array of values. Read more

unsafe fn from_slice( store: &mut impl AsStoreMut, slice: &[RawValue], ) -> Result<A1, TryFromSliceError>

Constructs Self based on a slice of values. Read more

unsafe fn into_array( self, _store: &mut impl AsStoreMut, ) -> <A1 as WasmTypeList>::Array

Builds and returns an array of type Array from a tuple (list) of values. Read more

fn empty_array() -> <A1 as WasmTypeList>::Array

Allocates and return an empty array of type Array that will hold a tuple (list) of values, usually to hold the returned values of a WebAssembly function call.

unsafe fn from_c_struct( _store: &mut impl AsStoreMut, c_struct: <A1 as WasmTypeList>::CStruct, ) -> A1

Builds a tuple (list) of values from a C struct of type CStruct. Read more

unsafe fn into_c_struct( self, _store: &mut impl AsStoreMut, ) -> <A1 as WasmTypeList>::CStruct

Builds and returns a C struct of type CStruct from a tuple (list) of values. Read more

unsafe fn write_c_struct_to_ptr( c_struct: <A1 as WasmTypeList>::CStruct, _ptr: *mut RawValue, )

Writes the contents of a C struct to an array of RawValue. Read more

fn wasm_types() -> &'static [Type]

Get the Wasm types for the tuple (list) of currently represented values.

impl<T> WithSubscriber for T


fn with_subscriber<S>(self, subscriber: S) -> WithDispatch<Self>
where S: Into<Dispatch>,

Attaches the provided Subscriber to this type, returning a [WithDispatch] wrapper. Read more

fn with_current_subscriber(self) -> WithDispatch<Self>

Attaches the current default Subscriber to this type, returning a [WithDispatch] wrapper. Read more

impl<T> DeserializeOwned for T
where T: for<'de> Deserialize<'de>,


impl<T> ErasedDestructor for T
where T: 'static,


impl<A, B, T> HttpServerConnExec<A, B> for T
where B: Body,


impl<T> MaybeSendSync for T