Builtin Types

All types that can be used in a *.wai file are intended to mappable to native types in a general purpose programming language.

The core basic types are

  • Unsigned integers (u8, u16, u32, u64)
  • Signed integers (s8, s16, s32, s64)
  • Floating point numbers (float32, float64)
  • UTF-8 Strings (string)
  • UTF-8 code points (char)
  • Void or nothing (unit)

For a more precise definition, consult the Types section in the *.wai format.

Other Builtin Types

Besides the basic builtin types, there are several "generic" types built into WAI which let users express common concepts.


The tuple is equivalent to a record that has numeric fields.

Code generators may be able to express tuples as a first-class concept. For example, tuple<string, float32, float32> would be expressed as (String, f32, f32) in Rust.


Lists are dynamically-sized sequences of the same element type. Often called a "list", "vector", or "array", a list<string> would be expressed as Vec<String> in Rust.


The option type is used to express a value that may or may not be present.

In Rust, an option<T> is expressed as std::option::Option<T>, while other languages may choose to use null to represent the missing value.

It is semantically equivalent to the following variant:

variant option {


The expected type is used to express the result of a fallible operation.

In Rust, an expected<T, E> is expressed as std::result::Result<T, E>, although other languages may choose to convert errors into exceptions.

It is semantically equivalent to the following variant:

variant expected {

Futures & Streams

The future<T> and stream<T, E> types are used to represent the result of asynchronous operations.